The Legal: I'm not a licenced electrician and am only showing this as the way I did it. I take no responcibility if someone trys this and damages their car.
*** Always disconnect the Battery when working on electrical***
Things you will need:
Aux plug, electrical connectors ( one male bullet style and one ring terminal 10mm) , a crimping tool and a screw driver.
Note: This can be done several ways, however I chose the easiest and simplest way to do it. I also picked up a map light to test the plug afterwards but anything will do.
1. Find a location for your plug. I found a good spot under the bottom dash panel next to the heater controls..
Location will determine if you need to add wiring. The housing for the Aux plug attaches with 2 scews.

2. Locate your power source. I found this green wilre with a white stripe. often used for a radio. If your using it for a radio, you can splice into it.

3. Find a good ground. I found the bolt for the steering column works well.

4. Attach ground with a ring terminal. You'll have to remove the bolt completely to do this (13mm socket will work).
The column may move so you'll have to re-align the holes to put bolt back in.
***The instructions with the Aux plug indicated the black wire for ground.***
Check your's before proceeding with this step.

5. Attach Live using the male bullet connector.

Done. reconnect the battery and try it out.
Edited by TA2DMAC, 03 June 2012 - 03:49 AM.