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Im New Here :) 16Yrs Old - My Mini -

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#61 joewf10


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Posted 14 May 2012 - 11:49 AM

Good luck insuring with all the mods, nice looking mini though! :shades:

Mine's a pretty standard city and i'm paying about £2000 insurance. I'm 17 learning at the moment and i ended up using Adrian Flux, it was nice to speak to a real person on the end of the phone, and he was helpful.

Hurts your wallet though, no matter what >_<

cheers mate yeah i think over the phone is always best. insurance is a pain and is always going up, really had my heart set on a vw polo 9n cause i really wanted to euro it but i went for a mini cause there "cheap" on insurance :mmkay: and look siiik

#62 joewf10


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Posted 14 May 2012 - 11:51 AM

Small update :

Had the garage cleared out finally, was in a right mess for ages as i was helping spray my dads v-dub camper :D Anyway :proud: ...

losts of space the plonk the mini right in there :DD

oooooh and i got myself one of theese before >_<

Ohhh and heres my dads camper, looks pretty ******* when he first got it but looks okay now just told him he needs to slam it and put some phat deep dish wheels onit. ill post some pics of what it looks like now and insde in a bit

Attached File  camper.jpg   74.71K   3 downloads

forgot the pic LoooL

#63 joewf10


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Posted 14 May 2012 - 01:01 PM

Pics of camper now:

painted using a roller :proud: and a spray gun here and there

Attached File  IMG_01131.JPG   112.88K   8 downloads

Mum re-covered the seats/bed and curtains

Attached File  IMG_01141.JPG   96.84K   2 downloads

Found some heated full leather Subaru seats at the scrappy in perfect condition so got them and a spinner plate so the passenger chair can 360 all for £70, cue ball gear stick and fitted t25 carpet :shades:

Attached File  IMG_01151.JPG   65.46K   8 downloads

thats it for the moment, dads got alot of jobs goin on atm and he'll have even more when my beaut comes :lol:

#64 joewf10


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Posted 17 May 2012 - 09:28 AM

Picking my mini up Saturday not sunday now as my dad couldnt get insured on his brother in laws transporter thing so hes had to splash out 200 to intall a towbar to his van and then borrow a trailer >_< the man who i purchased it off is working sunday :blink: so saturday is the day teehee cant wait! :w00t:

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