On Sunday the 29 July Mini Fixers are holding the 2nd Cotswold Mini Classic Tour. The first event last year was a great success with far more applicants than we expected for a first time organised event. The Tour starts at the Fairford Leisure Centre and proceeds around the beautiful Cotswold Hills along country lanes, through fords, past places of interest and gorgeous views. The finish is at The Trout Inn at Lechlade on Thames, where there will be a bar-be-que. Camping is available on the Saturday night at The Trout if you want to make it a weekend away. So many people said 'we've had a great time, are you going to do it again next year' that we decided we must.
This event is a fabulous opportunity to get away and spend some time in the wonderful Cotswold countryside.
This is a 'classic' Mini only event and aims to create that special atmosphere of traditional Mini gatherings.
For more information and application forms (and a list of local B&B's to stay in if you like to be pampered), see www.minifixers.co.uk
Here's hoping to see you,

The Cotswold Mini Classic Tour
Started by
, May 04 2012 09:02 AM
1 reply to this topic
Posted 04 May 2012 - 09:02 AM
Posted 15 May 2012 - 09:29 PM
If anybody has tried to access the Cotswold Tour documents on the Mini Fixers website you may have noticed we've had a few problems, they would open for some people but not for others! It's all been fixed now so if anybody is tempted to join us for the Tour you can get to the application docs. Here's hoping to see you.
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