Well it's about that time when boredom sets in and i start changing things again. At the IMM last summer i entered the car into the sound off and the little monster came in first, much to my surprise.
It was not without a few little problems though, as i managed to find out that 1 of my RCA leads had never been soldiered, so as i have decided to change them for some Van Damme ones, thought i'd move the amps again.
So off to the diy i go and get a half sheet of 12mm MDF to make a new amp cover. Back in the garage, marked up the sheet and started cutting it out.

Dropped in an amp to check the fit, decided it was good so trimmed it up with black alcantara

While waiting for the glue to dry on the cover i connected up the amps and fixed them in place

Then fitted my new cover and refitted the rear screen.

The scratch that looks like it's on the right hand amp is actually crap on the inside of he screen. Just need to retrim the boot build and refit it and refit the JL badges and I'm done, hopefully
Edited by blueturbomini, 16 March 2015 - 08:39 PM.