origionaly inspired by Viku's mini in Finland "viku's mini" who put me intouch with Spag www.v8mini.co.uk. after seeing some of spags basic methods of engineering work, i figured i should be able to do somthing simular.
so i already had my old 1275GT that had been sat in the garage for years waiting attention, got hold of a 3.5 Rover V8 and an Austin Princess gearbox and set about making adaptor plates ect and making it fit.
the 1275 gt ended up being too rotten to use as did the next mini i had given me, but served well for development purposes.
last year i brought a 87 mayfair that was already road worthy, to transfer all my work into, target was for MITP 05. got it there, admittedly it was towed. (same applies to billing show and stanford hall) so you might have seen it, althought it only stands out when engine is running

still got some issues to sort, mainly due to weight transfer when backing off throttle arfter hard acceleration, car goes all over the road, now got coilover to fit allround.
also needs a fire wall fitting between me and engine, gets a bit too hot too quick
some more pics and a couple of videos on my web site