Rsp Mini Cooper - 2-Way Sq Build
Posted 13 March 2012 - 07:18 PM

Posted 13 March 2012 - 10:14 PM
Posted 14 March 2012 - 10:25 AM
Last time i did one i had my money back within an hour.
If all else fails tell ebay/paypal you think it might be a chinese counterfeit... They have a Stupid Zero Tolerance policy with counterfeit goods. LOL
I'm half joking on this... :/
I can contact Gordon Taylor 'Mr Genesis and the designer of that amp' If you would like, and ask him for an email that states what adequate packing is for an amp such as that.
Edited by Ruckus, 14 March 2012 - 10:26 AM.
Posted 14 March 2012 - 12:24 PM
Paypal dispute...
Last time i did one i had my money back within an hour.
If all else fails tell ebay/paypal you think it might be a chinese counterfeit... They have a Stupid Zero Tolerance policy with counterfeit goods. LOL
I'm half joking on this... :/
I can contact Gordon Taylor 'Mr Genesis and the designer of that amp' If you would like, and ask him for an email that states what adequate packing is for an amp such as that.
Actually that would be brilliant if you could. Would be a bit more backing to show eBay.
I have actually reported him to eBay but you have to wait like 8 days until they will intervene, basically just in case the seller and buyer can resolve it. to be honest I don't see that happening, the guys a moron if he thought bubble wrap on its own was adequate! He told me in the dispute area that he had actually sent out a profile 4 the other day in similar packaging, god know how that arrived in one piece!
Posted 14 March 2012 - 07:21 PM
Posted 17 March 2012 - 10:26 AM
So this morning I received a package... and exiting one at that, after being out bid, or senting damaged items this is a bit of a relief.

At least this seller knows how to package!

YES, its a Genesis Profile 2 amp. This one is to replace my massive Phoenix Gold Xenon, because after test fitting it seems that it'll take up any remaining room in the boot!

As you can see it is a much smaller foot print and a much better amp as well! Very pleased!

As you can see also, at 38mm in depth its also very slim. A very well designed amp.

and it came with a full wiring kit (vibe), score!
The genesis profile 2 is a 2 channel amp with 75watts RMS at each channel so very nicely matched to my speakers. Plus with Genesis there normally very under rated so I could actually have as much as 80-85Watts RMS at each channel. Also you can actually get these amps very easily upgraded by the guy who originally designed them, so Kind future proof.
Unfortunately I was looking at 3 Genesis amps on eBay. One of Which was a Genesis Profile Sub, this was a monoblock amp that gives a bit more than the standard Profile 2 at 1x 350watts RMS it would have been pretty good with my sub. But as eBay auctions go, I bid at like 2 seconds left £55, obviously the other bidder wanted it badly and bid £75 over my maximum. So didn't get that, I did successfully bid and win another Profile 2 but that arrived damaged because the guy was a bit of tard! Sent it in only bubble wrap. So for the time being my boot is gonna be chocka with amps, as I will use my PG for the Sub until I can find another Genesis sub amp.
On another note I finished my Sub!

I ordered some dark Grey carpet from Optimise Automotive to Match my boot lining kit that I already have, so it looks pretty good if I dont ay so my self.
So thats about it really, its a bit slow going with the weather and hold ups. I was hoping to get some cable laid this weekend but seen as its raining Saturday AND Sunday I'm a bit stuffed! Need a garage, badly!
Posted 23 March 2012 - 10:35 AM
Over the last couple of days I've been laying the cable for the speaker wires and RCA. Unfortunately even just over 4 meters was not enough length to get into the dash area. So I think I'll have to either extend the wires or just attach the Xovers on the bulk head underneath, or maybe on the side of the Center console (if i ever finish painting it :s )
But luckily I have two other lengths of different speaker cable at about 3 meters in length so all is not lost.

Also on a side note, after having the seller of the first Genesis amp not wanting to take it back because it was damaged, ebay have intervened and sorted out. WINNER!
So once I've got all the amp wired in I'll put some pictures up, atm its looking good, but one of the shiny gold battery terminals I ordered (again another eBay mess lol) doesn't fit, even tightening it up wont get it to grip, but the positive was fine luckily. So i'm having to fit any earth wires with hoop terminals which will just bolt to the battery ground wire, so parts on order waiting to be fitted!
Posted 23 March 2012 - 12:15 PM
Also on a side note, after having the seller of the first Genesis amp not wanting to take it back because it was damaged, ebay have intervened and sorted out. WINNER!
So once I've got all the amp wired in I'll put some pictures up, atm its looking good, but one of the shiny gold battery terminals I ordered (again another eBay mess lol) doesn't fit, even tightening it up wont get it to grip, but the positive was fine luckily. So i'm having to fit any earth wires with hoop terminals which will just bolt to the battery ground wire, so parts on order waiting to be fitted!
Did you get your money back ? And keep the amp???
Posted 23 March 2012 - 12:23 PM
Exactly what I wanted to do in the beginning but the guy was a douche and a bit of a have a go seller on eBay, so its all good in the end.
Posted 23 March 2012 - 06:22 PM
Posted 26 March 2012 - 10:03 AM
Did you get a negative & positive terminal or two positives? The negative post on a battery is slightly smaller than the positive so that may be why it won't tighten up.
Interesting you say that, it is marked up as a negative, but maybe it was marked wrong when it was made? Who know's but I guess they where reasonably cheap so...
Posted 26 March 2012 - 10:39 AM
Plugged in the amp and my sub to test it out...
But no sound. LAME!
Not sure why, checked all connections from HU back to amp to sub. Took sub out of box to check fly leads inside, they where still connected. Tried disconnecting stock speaker, thinking maybe it wont give pre-out with stock speaker is in. Nope still didn't work. checked all settings for sub pre-out on HU, there fine.
So at a bit of a loss, the red light was on, on the amp so it was definitely on. I did check it out of the car with my jump start battery which gives a normal 12volt output, and it worked fine, apart from a little hissing, I assumed a poor ground from my temp wiring with the HU, unless somethings gone wrong I am at a loss.
Could be back to the PG amp for time being...
Though on a side note, wasn't sure this could be the problem, when taking it all back out, I noticed that I didn't completely tighten the earth lead to bodywork in the boot, Obviously the HU still worked so it was still grounding but the bolt in the blind nut was a little loose and wobbly when moved, could this have caused a problem.
I know from reading in the past on here that poor earths could cause all kind of weird anomalies, any thoughts on this?
Posted 27 March 2012 - 10:16 PM
So turns out it was the Profile 2 that was not working, yay, and i say yay because its going to still work as a normal 2 channel amp. Plus its allot cheaper to fix than a new jl sub!
by the way if you hadn't read above, basically, I assume, what ever bridging circuit they have in them, no longer works, but the normal 2 channel part works, which can be repaired at a later date.
So picture time!

yes I have high quality sound, albeit bellow the 80hz range, but progress none the less! As you can see the Phoenix Gold amp is a bit of a heffer! Hence the reason for wanting the Genesis profiles.

So i'm pretty pleased with that, the bass is so punchy, pretty good for a 10"er, sounds just as good as my brothers twin 12"s.
so for the time being I will be using the PG amp until i can source some more genesis ones.
Ive made a little progress on the front end. Today i mounted the LH speaker pod up front.

It works surprisingly well with two L-brackets, does have a little flex but with an extra bolt at the back it should be OK.
I need to finish off my centre console this week to enable me to relocate the switches on the other side of the steering column. Then i can put the other speaker in!
Heres a couple more pictures of what the pod looks like in:

This one shows a potential place for the tweeter.
Not sure atm how i'm going to be mounting the tweets, they either be mounted on the front face of the dash rail. I was thing of gettings some plast pipe to push them in, then fix that to the dash rail, this would enable me to get some swivel on them to get the best angle. then prlly build up a nice curve with filler and/or fibre glass, but that could be a dash rail re-trim, which could look nice but be a little expensive.
The other option I was thinking was using some of the sheet metal I have to make a bracket to fix them to the windscreen pillars (a the top). this could get me a better sound stage seen as the tweets would be at eye/ear level. but i'll have a play and see what sounds best before making any firm decisions.
So its nice to get some proper progress finally, more updates to follow this week!
Posted 28 March 2012 - 09:57 AM
Right Spoke to Gordon at genesis, aka the Amp Doctor and designer of the genesis amps, he said it was fine! Woop.
Turns out I had the speaker leads connected to the wrong terminals for bridging, I needed to connect the leads to the inner two terminals, silly goose!
He said it made more sense that way as it would be more tidy, which is very true!
So this evening I shall be taking out the Phoenix Gold amp, and putting the Genesis back in.
So the PG is now available for anyone who's interested....

Edited by freshairmini, 28 March 2012 - 09:58 AM.
Posted 28 March 2012 - 11:38 AM
He even helped me run the SMD sound off many years ago. I mean a guy that at the the time owned one of the top 5 car audio amp manufacturers in the world, turning up for 2 days in a field to help judge a little mini show... Awesome!
It did help that the theme that year was School Days... so many girls, and so many short skirts and stocking!!

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