Thought I better start my self a build thread.
Been slowly building up some kit for a nice, mid-high end (i would say

Kit so far consists of:
Sub: JL Audio 10w3v3-4 10" sub. Going in a sealed 17ltr enclosure. Should be about 300mm3, bought second hand, nearly new condition from talk audio forum.
2-Way components: Oz Audio CS130's. Also bought second hand, in nearly new condition from talk audio forum. Supposed to be a nice speaker set, tweeters in the kit are supposed to be pretty special for the price band they where in (mid to high end).
Amp: Phoenix Gold Xenon 100.4, 4 channel amp, 100wat rms per channel, can take anywhere from 1ohm to 8ohm, due to special circuitry, so pretty versatile.
Cables consist of a mix of phoenix gold, soundstream and stinger.
The Oz Audio components will be housed in some little Aperiodic Enclosures I made, from instructions from Ruckus, on a thread about fibreglassing, found here if anyones interested:
(post number 3)
And said pods look like this!

If anybody wants to see how they where made I've got loads of pics that I will post, just ask...
anyway the compete kit looks like this:

and one speaker in its enclosure, I weighed just one pod and speaker, came to about 2Kg's, so pretty hefty for a little 5.25" component!:

So thats about it for the moment, This week should consist of making the sub box. Luckily my dad had a huge sheet of 22mm MDF left over at work, so thats what the box is gonna be made of! Yay for free MDF

Edited by freshairmini, 26 February 2012 - 06:08 PM.