My Mini Project
Posted 12 July 2012 - 05:26 PM
Posted 12 July 2012 - 06:49 PM
Posted 12 July 2012 - 07:59 PM
Posted 12 July 2012 - 09:18 PM
will give it ago tomorrow mate cheers
same here, but.... take the one connector of the spade at the fuse boxfuse, check that spade sticking out of the box, if corrosion is on that clear the corrosion, but to be honest,disconnect the battery, then I would take all the wires off, do one fuse at the time and tape and number those wires (ie 1-8) so you remember after,...take box off if you did find corosion and clean each spade with 600 wet/dry, fasten back to bulkhead, then check each connector (don't forget the numbers) and put them back, make a few pictures before you take them all of for reference. If the connector sits tight all is good, if loose, you could use some plyers to tighten the end of the connector before sliding on the spade bit. when they are all back in position check yr picture, then connect battery. As for the fuses, are they propper ones, or bought in halfords ones? If the latter they do not sit tight in the clamps, so you might have to tighten the clamps a little. Fck me what a story.....good luck.
P.S. I ad the same ones, bought a new box and fuses from Minispares, all was good after, see ho you get on...
Edited by minimuk, 12 July 2012 - 09:21 PM.
Posted 12 July 2012 - 09:30 PM
thankyou mate great information just what i need.. will give it ago tomorrow and will let you no how i get on the fuses are the original ones so will be buying new ones tomorrow to put in and new connectors if it still does not work then it must be the wiring that is old and weak? thanks tom
will give it ago tomorrow mate cheers
same here, but.... take the one connector of the spade at the fuse boxfuse, check that spade sticking out of the box, if corrosion is on that clear the corrosion, but to be honest,disconnect the battery, then I would take all the wires off, do one fuse at the time and tape and number those wires (ie 1-8) so you remember after,...take box off if you did find corosion and clean each spade with 600 wet/dry, fasten back to bulkhead, then check each connector (don't forget the numbers) and put them back, make a few pictures before you take them all of for reference. If the connector sits tight all is good, if loose, you could use some plyers to tighten the end of the connector before sliding on the spade bit. when they are all back in position check yr picture, then connect battery. As for the fuses, are they propper ones, or bought in halfords ones? If the latter they do not sit tight in the clamps, so you might have to tighten the clamps a little. Fck me what a story.....good luck.
P.S. I ad the same ones, bought a new box and fuses from Minispares, all was good after, see ho you get on...
Posted 12 July 2012 - 09:56 PM
thankyou mate great information just what i need.. will give it ago tomorrow and will let you no how i get on the fuses are the original ones so will be buying new ones tomorrow to put in and new connectors if it still does not work then it must be the wiring that is old and weak? thanks tom
will give it ago tomorrow mate cheers
same here, but.... take the one connector of the spade at the fuse boxfuse, check that spade sticking out of the box, if corrosion is on that clear the corrosion, but to be honest,disconnect the battery, then I would take all the wires off, do one fuse at the time and tape and number those wires (ie 1-8) so you remember after,...take box off if you did find corosion and clean each spade with 600 wet/dry, fasten back to bulkhead, then check each connector (don't forget the numbers) and put them back, make a few pictures before you take them all of for reference. If the connector sits tight all is good, if loose, you could use some plyers to tighten the end of the connector before sliding on the spade bit. when they are all back in position check yr picture, then connect battery. As for the fuses, are they propper ones, or bought in halfords ones? If the latter they do not sit tight in the clamps, so you might have to tighten the clamps a little. Fck me what a story.....good luck.
P.S. I ad the same ones, bought a new box and fuses from Minispares, all was good after, see ho you get on...
Tom, don't rush wiv electrics, no quick fixes,.....if you get new fuses get them from minispares...... only put new connectors on if they are really,... realy ....needed, origional wires are not that long to play with. also check the 'EARTH CABLE CONNECTOR!!!' near battery, needs good contact wiv body, nd Battery!!!! is the battery dead????Holding Charge???Check battery charge before you start playing, even better, get charger on it tnight while yr sleepin, then check tmz
Posted 13 July 2012 - 04:32 PM
Posted 13 July 2012 - 05:43 PM
Posted 13 July 2012 - 05:45 PM
the earth on the battery is sound nice and tight and clean do not no what could cause the hazards not to work now.About earth battery cable in th rear,I used a thick negatice cable bought are the auto audio shop and did the trick form me same did to earth the engine,I uses 16mm2 for it thick enough.
Posted 13 July 2012 - 05:46 PM
battery is holding it charge the earth is tip top but everything is working now except for the warning hazard light now! what i nightmare.
thankyou mate great information just what i need.. will give it ago tomorrow and will let you no how i get on the fuses are the original ones so will be buying new ones tomorrow to put in and new connectors if it still does not work then it must be the wiring that is old and weak? thanks tom
will give it ago tomorrow mate cheers
same here, but.... take the one connector of the spade at the fuse boxfuse, check that spade sticking out of the box, if corrosion is on that clear the corrosion, but to be honest,disconnect the battery, then I would take all the wires off, do one fuse at the time and tape and number those wires (ie 1-8) so you remember after,...take box off if you did find corosion and clean each spade with 600 wet/dry, fasten back to bulkhead, then check each connector (don't forget the numbers) and put them back, make a few pictures before you take them all of for reference. If the connector sits tight all is good, if loose, you could use some plyers to tighten the end of the connector before sliding on the spade bit. when they are all back in position check yr picture, then connect battery. As for the fuses, are they propper ones, or bought in halfords ones? If the latter they do not sit tight in the clamps, so you might have to tighten the clamps a little. Fck me what a story.....good luck.
P.S. I ad the same ones, bought a new box and fuses from Minispares, all was good after, see ho you get on...
Tom, don't rush wiv electrics, no quick fixes,.....if you get new fuses get them from minispares...... only put new connectors on if they are really,... realy ....needed, origional wires are not that long to play with. also check the 'EARTH CABLE CONNECTOR!!!' near battery, needs good contact wiv body, nd Battery!!!! is the battery dead????Holding Charge???Check battery charge before you start playing, even better, get charger on it tnight while yr sleepin, then check tmz
Posted 13 July 2012 - 05:58 PM
Posted 13 July 2012 - 06:05 PM
Posted 13 July 2012 - 06:13 PM
hi mate indicators work but if i put hazards on and then do indicators nothing happens then where is the relay?
relay is either behind the dash or bulkhead engine bay just follow the leads, could even be you might have loosened one when playing earlyer....
Posted 13 July 2012 - 06:18 PM
Posted 14 July 2012 - 03:58 PM

comments welcome thanks tom
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