just seen this thread......nice work and I def look forward to reading it properly....BUT whist I am here a quick question on you using just 1 wiper blade..............did you change the gearing so that the wiper blade covered more of the screen ie 180 degrees? as somewhere in me little head I read that you have to have total coverage of the screen to pass the dreaded MOT........anyway once again look forward to reading this thread properly or having a chat if \I see you at one of the shows perhaps with "Ratty"
Hi there , I used the standard gearbox and just modded the outer case for the cable drive , it doesn't clear all the screen but does clear enough of the drivers view to be an MOT pass , I drive it all year long and have had no real problems. I have used a Corsa wiper as they are slightly longer than a mini one. I believe a mk1 / 2 wiper gear has less teeth so should give an increased sweep but they are twice the price.. I will be at Bingley if you want a chat, message me and I can give you my mobile ,if you want to meet up and I'll show you the car