The Rat
Posted 11 November 2009 - 08:28 PM
Posted 11 November 2009 - 08:52 PM
Shame about the wheel bearing.
Posted 12 November 2009 - 10:46 PM
front end strip down to try and find whats making the
noise on the front end!!!!

Posted 13 November 2009 - 10:23 PM
Hope the weather is going to behave tomorrow as it's
front end strip down to try and find whats making the
noise on the front end!!!!
Getting pretty noisy now, checked the wheel again this afto, LOTS
of play in the bearing!!! Scary as i'd been going quite rapid earlier,,
Got a bearing kit from the local accessory shop, was quite expensive
but I wanted one for tomorrow should have been £50 +vat retail
but I got it for £34 trade (as I have an account thankfully).
So that's tomorrows job......
Posted 14 November 2009 - 05:55 PM
But I changed them just incase, took Ratty out and he seemed ok.
Had to pop out later on to pick up my lad from town and low and behold 'CLICKING'
noise returns !!!! was getting louder as I was going along,could it be the CV joint????.
I jacked up the wheel and while rocking it , could hear top to bottom clicking , but when
I rotated the wheel a bit and did it again there was no clicking, so I turned it back
and rocked it again while looking at the wheel nuts, and noticed a wheel nut washer
was moving but the nut was tight !!! Right the problem was : I had to use shouldered
nuts with the wheel, when I cut them down ,I cut them flush with the wheel,
during use the ally washers supplied with them must have been squashed, resulting
in the nuts torqing up to the hubs not the wheel ! So to cure this I have cut about
3mm off the wheel nut shoulders. Took Ratty out again and all is good now !!!!

At least I know the wheel bearing will last now LOL

So now I need to get some steel washer to replace the ally ones..
Edited by camp freddy, 15 November 2009 - 04:46 PM.
Posted 15 November 2009 - 04:56 PM
heater as it's getting a bit cold in the mornings, I had to drill
new holes to pass the hoses through the bulkhead and took
them to one side of the engine, one hose goes to the heater
valve and the other to the l/h side of the inlet manifold. But
when I was swapping the hoses over ( needed to swap the
hoses as they weren't long enough) one of the connections
broke off, so I had to strip down the heater re-solder it back
on. It's all fitted now and working but I now need to sort out
the de-mister pipes and vents ( as these need modding)
Posted 17 November 2009 - 09:42 PM
well am I a wimp ??????? this afternoon I decided to fit the
heater as it's getting a bit cold in the mornings, I had to drill
new holes to pass the hoses through the bulkhead and took
them to one side of the engine, one hose goes to the heater
valve and the other to the l/h side of the inlet manifold. But
when I was swapping the hoses over ( needed to swap the
hoses as they weren't long enough) one of the connections
broke off, so I had to strip down the heater re-solder it back
on. It's all fitted now and working but I now need to sort out
the de-mister pipes and vents ( as these need modding)
well today at work I started to fabricate my new de-mister
vent, making an ally vent which will be shallower and have
the heater inlet on the side, all cut out and folded, also had
to roll a piece to make the inlet pipe, will hopefully finish it
tomorrow so will put up some pics then..
ps the heater works well, better than expected, it even started
to de-mist the doors this morning...
Edited by camp freddy, 17 November 2009 - 09:43 PM.
Posted 18 November 2009 - 10:35 PM


Posted 19 November 2009 - 02:40 PM
Have you got those twin carbs and grille on yet?...
Posted 19 November 2009 - 05:31 PM
Looks nice...
Have you got those twin carbs and grille on yet?...
not yet, are you off work James.
Posted 19 November 2009 - 05:37 PM
will be here tomorrow

Posted 19 November 2009 - 06:08 PM
No I've never needed carb balancers, so its not something i've got.
Posted 19 November 2009 - 10:21 PM
a bit of misting to see if it works..
Edited by camp freddy, 19 November 2009 - 10:22 PM.
Posted 20 November 2009 - 12:38 PM
Infact... entire car looks good!!

Posted 20 November 2009 - 07:20 PM
vent IT WORKS !! only problem is it de-mists the passenger side LOL.
Took the vent off when I got to work and and welded in some defusers
to re-direct the air over the drivers side.. Yet to see if it is better..
Also received the carb bits today I ordered from Minispares...
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