Thats a sweet buggy for £100!! A hyper 8 would have been brilliant but for £100 thats awesome
Agreed, you need a temp gun really but if you dont fancy buying one then you can tell how hot your motor's running bt spitting into the heatsink around the glow plug, if it boils away instantly it's running too hot (usually lean) and itll be fairly obvious if it's too richi always tune mine for the best performance while keeping a nice thin trail of smoke.
yer, err, dont do that. its not accurate, and can leave stuff on the engine which sits there and smokes away. not to mention the shock of cold water onto extremly hot metal.
Ive seen people useing the spit method, there engines didnt last more than 2 gallons, same goes for the smoke trail method.
Then again, if you are just bashing about, i dont suppose it would matter much.
The £20 for a temp gun is surely worth the £150-£200 saving of a new engine?