Interesting build. when I lived in Crewe 8 years ago I built a 998 turbo with a Metro T3 to an almost identical spec to yours. The drive was interesting, shall we say. No power until 4k, then 140bhp, and all out of puff at 6k.
I was running a very low CR though, if you run a highet CR and less boost it will be more progressive.
Have fun.
Ayup Will,
140bhp you say

In what way was the spec diffrent to your build?
i was hopeing for the 100bhp mark, how do you make 140?
What was the CR?
What Psi boost were you runing?
Sounded like a fun little pocket rock you had!
If you have any suggestions to the spec im planing(keeping on a lowish budget) fireaway!
(sorry for all the questions)