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Uploading Images Onto Tmf

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#16 Jordie


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Posted 22 September 2014 - 07:21 PM


The above is the most basic form of the img tag. This will display whatever picture URL is placed between the IMG tags.


If you have photobucket, there is usually a set of common links next to each picture. Copying the IMG type link and pasting it into your topic, will show that image.






Will display.....


#17 nicklouse


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Posted 22 September 2014 - 09:18 PM

so just to confirm there are no images in the first post just broken links where the images were?

#18 megamini_jb


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Posted 22 September 2014 - 09:19 PM

Oops yeah they must have expired

#19 Jordie


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Posted 22 September 2014 - 09:35 PM

so just to confirm there are no images in the first post just broken links where the images were?


Unfortunately this happens from time to time, as people move on and photobucket accounts become inactive etc.


I have posted above with recent image which will hopefully help.



#20 nicklouse


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Posted 22 September 2014 - 09:42 PM

Also your basic uploaded seems anti iPad?

Was not aware that the default one required flash. You only see that when you have selected the basic as you are getting nowhere with the advance. Not that I can get anywhere with the basic either.

#21 Jordie


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Posted 23 September 2014 - 06:03 AM

Im sorry we cant seem to please you.


The forum is best viewed using a pc or laptop. Whilst it is viewable on other devices, not all functionality remains the same. I am sure others use ipads to view the forum, Ive never heard of any problems before. The advanced uploader requires Flash 9 or above to work, not sure if Ipads work with flash or not.


The basic uploader is a case of clicking "Browse.." then selecting your image file, then clicking the "attach this file" button to upload. The image is then attached to the end of your post. Or you can use the "add to post" to place the image within the text like so.


There is also a max file size of 2MB.


text text text etc....

Attached File  MiniSelectagreen.jpg   124.21K   2 downloads

text text text etc....


If you are struggling using both upload types from the ipad, I suggest you use a different viewing platform or upload images to a third party (photobucket etc) and use IMG tags to show the pictures.



Attached Files

#22 StefanPieter


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Posted 30 September 2014 - 08:56 AM

Hey Gents


There is a site called IMGur that links to your GMAIL or related accounts that is free and makes image uploading simple and free.



Once you have uploaded your image you can right click on it and copy the URL for use.



#23 jason_wen


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Posted 04 December 2014 - 11:52 PM


Edited by jason_wen, 04 December 2014 - 11:56 PM.

#24 fenghuang


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Posted 17 March 2015 - 06:20 PM

I understand the reasons behind not having image files hosted by the forum, but it would be really useful if threads that are pinned or in the FAQ section could have their images hosted in away that the links won't expire. I think a some of the FAQs are as much as 7yrs old so it's not surprising the links don't work any more. But without the image files, some the posts themselves are of limited value.

#25 country clubman

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Posted 22 August 2015 - 10:31 AM

Thought would update the flickr option, as flickr has changed since last post on how to use it. They now have 1tb storage space free!


Once on your photo you want on flickr it should look like this below, the icon on left with arrow as you can see has cursor hovering over it, click on that.




after clicked on that should look like below.




Then click on the bbcode and select what size you want, copy the code that starts with [url, paste on this site should look like code below but delete the end bits that are highlighted below, or end up with photo and them bits of the code on end and begining of the photo.


[ url=htt ps://flic.k r/p/xaF 6SY][img  ]https : //fa rm 1. staticflickr.cim/2050  1803400_a38f062f01_z.j pg [/img][/url] 20 15- 8-1 8 -29 0 by [url=htps: //ww .fli ck r.cam/photo s/48 314136@ N03/]zebec[/ url], on Flickr

Edited by country clubman, 22 August 2015 - 10:40 AM.

#26 KTM kid

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Posted 28 January 2016 - 10:34 PM

Why is it that you have so many enquires about uploading images?

Why dose it have to be so hard?

Why do you have to sign up to something you don't want,

Why is it that this has still not changed? Its not difficult to do as a web site!

Why is it other forums can upload images from your phone or laptop!  this is the way you need to go, making life a lot more simple for everyone!

#27 Jordie


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Posted 29 January 2016 - 07:55 AM



You can upload a photo using the attach button when using the FULL reply box. However there is limits on the size of the file, which most high quality photos will easily exceed. Hence the recommendation to use a photo hosting site.


Large photos uploaded and stored by TMF, would increase bandwidth and server storage space, making the forum even more expensive to run.

#28 Tamworthbay


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Posted 29 January 2016 - 04:05 PM

Why have I never had problems with pics?
Why can I work out things by reading the instructions?
Why I am grateful that a FREE forum exists for my interests?
Why do a tiny number of users struggle so much?

#29 mintlawmaisie1994


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Posted 12 July 2016 - 06:42 AM

Hi all

I use Dropbox a lot and you can link/share whole folders of pics, or individual images.


#30 Rogers1967


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Posted 19 September 2016 - 07:53 PM

I have my mini pics on my iPad and I have no idea how to upload them so they are visible from my profile ?

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