Hi mini Danny,
I've just read all this and wow just wow. I am just starting my van project and if it turns out half as good I will be well chuffed.
Keep up the amazing work and I'm definitely gonna keep following this.
Cheers man really appricate the kind words !! Gives me more motivation !!
And today she finally got back down onto her own wheels !!! Such a massive milestone !!! So bloody happy with it!!
Linished the repair from last night.. Never know it had been repaired

Then removed the E-Coat from the sill and zinc primered the inside and welded the outer sill on,

Look that then perfect spot welds ;)

Then got the van off the jig !

Rolled her over to plug weld the outer sills

Then the best thing ever got her back on her own wheels !!!

So happy she's back her own wheels, will all have to come off though when she goes for painting, but that isn't exactly hard to do, just such a massive milestone completed!!!
Thanks Dan