The stock Hayabusa pan will not work for cars. I found that out the hard way.
I dropped over $4000 for a dry sump system and it didn't work either. This system had an external pump, that wouldn't put out enough pressure and leaked oil around the shaft seal. So I modified my stock Hayabusa pan.
I cut 1/2 inch off the bottom of the Hayabusa oil pan sump, then welded a square aluminum sump onto the stock pan, at stock depth. I made this nwe sump as big as I could to hold as much oil as possible. The hangy down sides of the busa pan trap oil in the sides of the pan for cornering.
I also added a small baffle at the fromt of the sump to prevent oil sloshing away from the pick up durning hard braking.
I also piped in a remote oil cooler and remote oil filter using the oil filter bypass kit from Down's engineering.
If I was to go dry sump I would go with one of the kits that replaces the busa water pump with a new scavenge oil pump and uses the stock busa oil pump for pressure feed like this.
Here's a picture of my modified oil pan. You can also see the elec actuator for my shifter.
Edited by Birdman, 18 February 2014 - 09:23 PM.