Congrats to RED HOT for winning the last mission, "Water we gunna do?". His entry can be found here:
Recon Mission: 4 - ""Water we gunna do?" " - Entries
Please make sure you read the rules, I have changed them a tiny bit to try and get this running smoothly. Also, if anyone has any issues with the dates/times for the mission/voting ending etc. please say as I am still trying to work out the best way of doing it.
The Mission
Submit one shot of your Mini with the theme "Reflection" . Your car must be visible in some portion of the photo, Photoshop retouching is allowed, but please read the rules below.
Voting will be based on creativity, visual impact and overall wow factor. Not based on how good your SLR is compared to a compact or mobile phone.
The competition will begin now (04/12/2011) and all entries must be in by Friday 23/12/2011 at 23:00 where voting will then commence. Voting will end on Friday 30/12/2011 at 23:00 where the winner shall then be announced the following day and the next 'Mission' will also be announced.
The Rules: Please Read
- The picture must be your own.
- The Mini doesn't have to be yours, but you must have the owners permission to use the car in your pic.
- If Photoshopping is allowed for a 'Mission' then Photoshop and other photoeditting software may only be used for retouching (brightening, enhancing colours slightly etc) not for heavy editting (no adding objects etc),
- The next 'Mission' along with whether or not editing software is allowed at all and how much of the car must be visible (whole car or not) will be decided upon by the winner and announced by MiNi_BoRe or DanNomNom, if no 'Mission' is decided upon by the winner within 48 hours from the end of voting then second place will get to decide.
- All votes are final.
- You may only submit one pic per 'Mission' if more than one pic is uploaded by a user then the last uploaded pic will be used within the vote, I will edit your original post and remove the picture to avoid confusion.
- When you have entered a picture, please PM me, DanNomNom, with your idea for the next Mission. This will mean I can get the new thread up and running ASAP.