7x13 superllites, midland wheels sell them
I dont think they're Superlights. The spokes end too soon. On superlights they go all the way to the dish. It could just be the angle though!
they are not 7x13 superlites. It is a 13 inch wheel but if u look closely the spokes look much bigger (not the angle of the photo) and has got only a small dish. Those wheels will be ideal for my mini wit the watson frame because of the less dish offset
13X8 minilites according to this for sale advert -
I believe alot of info can be found about this car with a simple google search of 'Z cars vtec mini carbon' - I'd search abit harder but im at school at the minute
ahh crap they found out to be ford wheels! then i need to modify my hubs
Yea you could hit a problem there, if you drill the hubs youl then have to find somewhere to put the splines in it.
id probably think you would be better drilling the wheels.
Or you tap a thread into the drilled hole in the hub and use a wheel bolt.
yea but will you have enough clearance on the side of the disc center. i know on later cars anyway you need to remove the flange to replace the nuts and they aren't overly big on the o/d
so the problem you may have is you can re drill and tap them but when it comes to tighten the bolt it may make contact preventing it from turning, which in return would mean you wouldn't be able to to tighten it enough.