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Titan Roller Rockers Broken

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#1 FlowersGTR


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Posted 14 November 2011 - 04:17 PM

hi everyone

the other week when driving on the motorway my exhaust manifold cracked, i heard the noise so pulled over had a check. was pretty sure it was just the exhuast as the car seemed completly fine other than the noise. so i carried on for another 30 miles driving only about 50 mph until i got home.
when home i checked it again and i could feel the exhuast blowing, there was also a pretty bad tapping / knocking noise which i just assumed to be related to the cracked manifold.
replaced it with a maniflow LCB and the car was certainly quieter but the tapping noise was still there. took the rocker cover off to discover this

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it appears the pin that runs through the middle has broken

i called titan a new rocker arm is £104 as you have to buy 2 :S but the pins are £6.50 :) but apparently theres a minimum spend of £25 so ive brought 4 :S

the engine seemed to run ok wasnt obviously on 3 cylinders. i guess the top of the rocker arm pushed down on the barrel which rolled against the rocker cover and then pushed down the the spring retainer cap which is a bit scratched up as well.

i just menton the exhaust manifold as the rocker broken acts on a exhuast valve and was wondering if it was related.

does any body have any theorys??
any experience??

should i be worried of any other damage?? is it likely that the pin on the others could break??

the engine is a 1380 built by minisport about 3000 miles ago kent 286 cam. i think (not sure) the rockers are 1.3 and my guess is at least 8 years old


#2 sledgehammer


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Posted 14 November 2011 - 05:08 PM

It's lucky it didn't pop a collet out & drop a valve

I think the exhaust crack is a coincidence - but still weird to have happened at the same time

& I would check the pins

Edited by sledgehammer, 14 November 2011 - 05:11 PM.

#3 Cosford Cowboy

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Posted 14 November 2011 - 05:14 PM

Has the pin broken it looks like it is still fitted ? They can "walk" out of the arms, if that is what has happened then it is often a sign that there is more damage elsewhere, ie main bearing failure in the arm or the shaft has excessiv wear allowing the arm to tilt over sideways.

#4 FlowersGTR


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Posted 14 November 2011 - 11:33 PM

thanks for the quick reply guys the pin has definitly broken i know in the pic it looks fine and i was a bit confused at first but i can wiggle the pin on the inside of the rocker. im sure the pin will slide out sideways to the left but the bit of the pin that is in the right hand side of the rocker will stay there (does that make sense?)

anyone heard of this before?? reckon the others are likely to go??

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