Posted 15 March 2006 - 07:35 AM
what is the torque for the centre nut on metro turbo hubs?
Even though chris at zcars could do this for free for me ( i think ) i wanted to have a go myself as at the end of the day thats my job and if it went wrong it would be an easy fix
Posted 15 March 2006 - 07:38 AM

Dean where abouts are you.?.
Posted 15 March 2006 - 02:23 PM
Posted 15 March 2006 - 04:47 PM
joe im in Redditch 12 miles south of Birmingham! whys that buddy?
If you were closer i would have bobbed down in the Indy to look at your build.
Posted 15 March 2006 - 06:01 PM
I am not too far from you either, Carterton, only 48 miles away!!
Posted 16 March 2006 - 07:03 PM

I was going to wait until they were built up and then add them but i couldn't wait. Here are the parts that went down to
im dead chuffed with how these have turned out! very high quality finish compared to what they looked like and an even spread of colour. EVERY hole and port were delicatley masked and cleaned. These parts cost a little more spondoolies than what i had planned i dont regret getting them done at all!

you can see on the front and rear flanges have been modified to suit my wheels which im going to keep secret until i add them to the car hopefully st the weekend ( well the front anyway)

calipers mmmmm i think these turned out really well

im not sure about the covers i may not use these but i will see when its together also steering arms and hubs

a friend of mine asked if i will be just polishing it or will i actually drive it!!! but he's right it was never intended to be a show car and probably never will be its just the fact that i know i havent put a rusty part back on that counts!
hopefully have a part built front end at the weekend
Posted 16 March 2006 - 07:49 PM
Oh my

Posted 16 March 2006 - 07:56 PM
Posted 17 March 2006 - 06:07 PM

Posted 18 March 2006 - 01:41 AM
Posted 19 March 2006 - 12:53 PM
I remember you from your days on the Minibike MX forum (adrenalintrip)
Wondered where you had got to!!
Nice to see everything is going well and can't wait to see the finished thing.
Posted 19 March 2006 - 07:20 PM
think they will look great only they even came with perelli p6000 tyres which are basically new but as they are 13/60/185 im going to have to sell them. thing is they are 6 inch wide but to be honest im not going to be able to get all the performance on british roads

hiya nick i cant remember you what bike did you have? how come you have joined the mini forum? have ya got a little beast (mini)?
also for anyone who wanted to know if the original steering rack fitted here is your answer!

Posted 19 March 2006 - 07:44 PM
I had a honda crf50.... i was Nick88hiya nick i cant remember you what bike did you have? how come you have joined the mini forum? have ya got a little beast (mini)?
also for anyone who wanted to know if the original steering rack fitted here is your answer!
the Forum has changed now, much better, pop back mate we now have an off topic chat section i'm sure people would like to know how you are getting on
No, sadly i don't have a mini as yet, i'm looking for a 998 as my first car so there's no point posting much until i get one!!!
Anyway its good to hear from you and the mini's looking tops

Posted 20 March 2006 - 09:18 PM
...............been busy today trying to figure out what type of bolt i will have to use. I turns out i need studs and flat face shank sleeve nuts like these

the wheels mount holes measured just over 17.5 mm so i think a 11/16" sleeve size will be ok. as ive never worked in anything but metric i went by a chart so i hope this will be enough of a gap (about .5mm) i know the sleeve needs to be quite close as this stops any movement of the wheel but i just hope this wont be too tight a fit! ive noticed alot of 5/8 sleeve nuts which would leave about 1mm gap. would that be better?
if anyone has any motorsport background or has ever come across this before or even knows what im trying to explain! can you let me know or have some input thanks
Posted 20 March 2006 - 11:18 PM
make sure the stud doesnt bottom out in the nut and the bolt shank is shorter than the wheel thickness by a couple of MM
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