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#331 markrally


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Posted 20 August 2007 - 06:10 PM

Really want it done before christmas. Not really sure why, Just seems like a good date to set!

Ive got to turn down the wheel nuts and finish the clutch bar and then i can give it a cheeky little run down the road! Oh yeah need to fit the front stoppers!

Have you got any pictures of your beastie hilty?

I've got loads of pics, but they were taken by miniworld for the cover shoot thing and there all to large to upload, does any one know how to make the Mega Byte thingy smaller? I hate computers !!

Ive got a couple of when it was being built at Z cars. I couldnt do what youve done, I had to have mine now!! Six months from start to finish and sveral empty bank -saving accounts.


Ps shame about the front brakes. Mines at Zcars as we speak having the big brakes fitted. we could have done a deal on the four pots coming off !

Create an account at photobucket.com and then you choose your pics and the finished viewing size then it does the rest for you.

Ps im only down the road from you near chester.
Maybe meet up soon?


#332 HILTY


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Posted 21 August 2007 - 07:50 AM

Was that the mini in miniworld a several month ago? really nice colour. Have you still got the standard subframe or are you getting the tubular jobby for the bigger stoppers?

Yes, it was the one in Miniworld, thanks on the colour ! its sods law but z cars where still developing the tubular subframe when mine was built, so still on the standard mini one, albeit lightened and powder coated blue. I can only afford to do one job at a time now as i've just moved house. so just the big brakes for now. I think I'd go for the Flat Shifter next rather than the subframe. I dont bother with the clutch on the upshifts anyway but it would be good to go down the box quickly without it. I say this cause i've had a few niggley problems with my clutch. Zcars are looking at that again for me now.

Did i Notice paddles behind your steering wheel?

#333 HILTY


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Posted 21 August 2007 - 08:00 AM

Really want it done before christmas. Not really sure why, Just seems like a good date to set!

Ive got to turn down the wheel nuts and finish the clutch bar and then i can give it a cheeky little run down the road! Oh yeah need to fit the front stoppers!

Have you got any pictures of your beastie hilty?

I've got loads of pics, but they were taken by miniworld for the cover shoot thing and there all to large to upload, does any one know how to make the Mega Byte thingy smaller? I hate computers !!

Ive got a couple of when it was being built at Z cars. I couldnt do what youve done, I had to have mine now!! Six months from start to finish and sveral empty bank -saving accounts.


Ps shame about the front brakes. Mines at Zcars as we speak having the big brakes fitted. we could have done a deal on the four pots coming off !

Create an account at photobucket.com and then you choose your pics and the finished viewing size then it does the rest for you.

Ps im only down the road from you near chester.
Maybe meet up soon?


Nice one Mark,

I'll give the photobucket a try right now. My car is being tweeked at the minute, hopefully it will be ready for Castle combe at the end of sept, are you going to be there? weather permitting, last year it rained and it really wasnt fun. Mine really didnt like the bends in the rain, it couldnt make its mind up whether it wanted to understeer and then oversteer.

#334 dean_chad


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Posted 24 August 2007 - 07:24 PM

Wooop the weekend is here, but ive got a full shift again tomorrow :thumbsup: on the up note ive got sunday and monday to get somewhere so im gonna hit is hard, all being well!!!

Did a little bit tonight but to be fair im nakered so gave up a little early! some parts came today in the post so the ally tube was cut to size. A bit of polish and..................

........ hey prestooo!

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fuel filler unit nearly finished, just need to cut a little more out for the cap. The 90degree pipe inside diameter was to large so i found some id reducers that were perfect for fitting it over the original threaded filler tube. Also i had a go at polishing the tank ( you can just see in the pic). Im just wondering wether to take it out polish it all up, but thats loads of work, might just polish the top,
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#335 dean_chad


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Posted 14 September 2007 - 09:14 PM

Just a quick update, getting things read to hit it hard at the end of the month as i have a week off. Ive stripped the clutch out as there was lots of free play, i thought i had put too much pressure on it and got a plate caught or something,.............. turns out i was just being a wimp and not putting enought force on the lever. Still i know how the clutch mechanism works now, pretty simple really

Had an idea for the clutch mechanism so at work and home over the week in the little time ive had i knocked it up.I Used 2 clutch cylinder springs off a mini which are substancial enough to give the cylinder a quicker return. I fitted the springs to the mount pounts of the cylinder and made a spreader bar on the adjuster so the springs doesnt catch the rubber cover on the cylinder. also the thread part of the adjust has been shrink wrapped as i noticed its fowls the rubber. I used the the original lever and hinge
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Another thing is with the arch situation. The reason i bought the front end with a-panels is so i could smoothe the arches in and not have to cut them. The problem is with all the vibration, how long are the moulded arches going to last before they crack? Would it be best just to bolt the arches on and use the rubber insert piece?


#336 markrally


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Posted 15 September 2007 - 07:15 PM

The reason i bought the front end with a-panels is so i could smoothe the arches in and not have to cut them. The problem is with all the vibration, how long are the moulded arches going to last before they crack? Would it be best just to bolt the arches on and use the rubber insert piece?



#337 Rob Bailey

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Posted 20 September 2007 - 08:55 PM

Another thing is with the arch situation. The reason i bought the front end with a-panels is so i could smoothe the arches in and not have to cut them. The problem is with all the vibration, how long are the moulded arches going to last before they crack? Would it be best just to bolt the arches on and use the rubber insert piece?

Hello my first post on here!
there is a filler called smc made buy u-pol and it is made for smoothing arches in grp and carbon fibre its not meant to crack i use it at work when doin wide arch kits hope that helps
yours car is goin to be amazing
cant wait to see it at a show nxt year
makes me want to get on with mine!


#338 Alburglar


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Posted 22 September 2007 - 06:16 AM

It is very good. Mine have never cracked.

#339 dean_chad


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Posted 22 September 2007 - 07:02 PM

thanks very much for that rob......... looks like smooth arches is back on then!!!!

Al i was wondering how you got on with the arches on your beastie.. So you uses that smc filler then? Is it hard to work with? Is there any procedure you have to carry out? do you use any compound to build it up or is the smc filler all you need?

Edited by dean_chad, 22 September 2007 - 07:14 PM.

#340 Alburglar


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Posted 22 September 2007 - 09:56 PM

Mine are fitted by using matt and resin to bond it, then sand it all back, then you only have to use minimal amount of filler.
Can't rember exactly what filler it is but it was u pol brand and made for fibreglass. You can buy it from halfords.

Edited by Alburglar, 23 September 2007 - 04:41 PM.

#341 dean_chad


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Posted 23 September 2007 - 12:55 PM

Cheers Al for the advice. Ive got till saturday to get it all done ready for paint............... what do you think my chances are?!!!

Oh yeah got a few videos here of the today, They are pretty short as the misses finds it difficult to press a button at the right time, only kidding!

starty stop, funny

start and drive

late fly by ish!

Im having a bit of a problem with th front brakes... i cant seem to get them to release I think its maybe the powdercoat on the mounting face. Also the pistons were not totally back. Ive tried driving its to take the bite off but it didnt seem to work. Any ideas?
Also the brakes dont work when i press the pedal even after bleeding, the back banjos dont want to seal.

Edited by dean_chad, 23 September 2007 - 04:44 PM.

#342 miniboo


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Posted 26 September 2007 - 02:57 AM

have you got a copper washer on either side of the banjo?

#343 dean_chad


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Posted 26 September 2007 - 06:14 PM

yep i think the problem is the caliper has a cast finish so no flat surface. I will have to get the file out!!

#344 koss


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Posted 26 September 2007 - 07:06 PM

yep i think the problem is the caliper has a cast finish so no flat surface. I will have to get the file out!!

You must be on about the rear zcars callipers, I looked at them and decided against using banjos and opted for a normal male insert. The callipers were originally designed for a flexi with a male end.

#345 dean_chad


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Posted 14 October 2007 - 06:38 PM

Bought a right bargain off ebay the other day!! Now i just need the trick shifter
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stripped off the roof and sprayed with etch primer now that the bad/moist weather coming that will help. The old paint was bubbling and cracking. This took ages, im glad its done now though
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Found the bonnet to be slightly too long so i had to cut off the lip that sits next to the scuttle pannel and moulded a new lip on using a radius very similar to the curvature of the bonnet and worked quite well.
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Also i had to cut out a crack and repair it as everytime the bonnet was fastend the crack would lift, now that the bonnet is shorter this wouldnt happen
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all it needs now is filling
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Had a go at the arches too. ive got to remove 1 as the rear side of it has twisted. The rear of the has been cut and modified so they could be lifted. the tread only just fits inside the arche, the rear still has to be set up tho.! side is toeing in a fair old amount
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Edited by dean_chad, 14 October 2007 - 06:46 PM.

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