Posted 02 March 2007 - 09:41 PM
Posted 03 March 2007 - 12:22 AM

Posted 03 March 2007 - 07:54 AM
Posted 04 March 2007 - 12:00 PM
hehehe I even built them up and didnt notice until they were on the frame! they have been stripped for some time tho. its easy to forget!
Anyone had the gear link cable problem?
Looking great dean - love the dash,i have had a similar same gear link problem on my hayabusa, at first the cable was about 4inch too long so i rang z cars and they told me i had an R1 cable, so on my next visit we compared the cables and indeed i did have an R1 so they swopped it-so its quite possible you have got a hayabusa cable instead of an R1 one-might even have been mine!

Even so my new cable now appears to be a bit to short, as i have already bolted the gearlever in the hole when the shell was in primer- with the cable on max adjustment the lever is canted forward about 1-1/2inch off vertical,as the length of the outer cable is fixed as so the position of the bracket in the tunnel,it means i need to redrill the lever further back to get it upright but trying to put the job off :'( :'( :'(

Posted 05 March 2007 - 07:34 PM
Really wanted to start the car yesterday had it not been for the skinfull I had the night before. I can’t even venture down the garden tonight either. bloody weather! wont be long though
Thanks you all for the comments nice to know you liking it. Might have a go at flocking in a bit. I recon I shouldn’t do it in the house though; I’m getting the impression that everything in the vicinity will be covered too!
Posted 06 March 2007 - 05:36 PM

Posted 08 March 2007 - 09:45 PM
!!!!!!!!IT LIVES MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
IN a puff of black smoke it ran! I shot home from work this a afternoon wielding a pressure gauge and fitting just so i could make sure it was getting oil pressure before going any further. I roughly wired the dash, engine, pump and sensors onto the battery and turned it over. The last thing I expected was a freaking big miss!! To say I jumped out my skin just doesn’t cut it!!! Because I was rushing, I had wired the two coils up back to front

I switched them round, fettled the throttle whilst turning over the engine and it started

Edited by dean_chad, 08 March 2007 - 09:47 PM.
Posted 08 March 2007 - 10:41 PM
Cheers with a pint on you!
Posted 08 March 2007 - 11:08 PM

Posted 09 March 2007 - 01:01 PM
must admit firing the engine has got to be the best bit when building are car!

Edited by adyzr1, 09 March 2007 - 01:05 PM.
Posted 11 March 2007 - 06:50 PM
I began running my brake lines in. Here are some pics of The temp sensor and gauge fitting.
Tip for the day never buy cheap tack as it falls apart on you! (Draper pipe cutter) That came to a stop so i just decided which way im going to route the vacuum, clutch and brake line to the rear

Here are two VIDEOS of the engine running they are realy C**p quality. think there was muck on the lens. I dont think im getting full revs as they seem a little bit low. what do you think?
video of engine running and level /dash check The dash hasnt been set up yet so the led rev line isnt working!
rev up video
sorry again about the quality
Posted 23 March 2007 - 09:50 PM
Posted 30 March 2007 - 07:27 PM
I had to go back to jawel paints as the colour he had match was no where near what i took him. Nice chap he found a colour as close as possible. im not going to do the outside myself although the other parts turned out really well, i dont think i will get the shine.... there are experts for that!!

I ran all my brake lines through the inside to the bias valve and out to the back. Take no notice of the rusty servo, ive a new 1 coming, it was only put there so i could run the lines.

I drilled and filed a ridge in a bolt so the solderless nippes had somewhere to locate. also inside the car i had to put an m6 bolt underneath the accelerator pedal because on full throttle the pedal is arround 2 inch off the floor. perfect now!

ive attatched the inside brake pedal unit and fabricated some stabilizer bars for the steering column. An amount had to be removed from the cross piece of the dash to fit the left hand bar.

The majority of bolts are stainless steel now, although ive ran out so things like the throttle cable bolt will be done at a later time. more pics to come tomorrow
Edited by dean_chad, 30 March 2007 - 07:30 PM.
Posted 31 March 2007 - 02:27 AM
Lookin' good Dean!
Lookin' forward to the end result!
Lookin' forward to hear another Zcar get on the road............!!!!!
Posted 19 June 2007 - 11:07 PM
Had a good look at some threads on here over the last few days and got myself back into it.
Parts arrive to today included
Fuel sender
Seat brackets
pacet electric fan
red top 25 battery
fuel pre filter
various fuel hose
I raced home from work today whilst the weather had been sunny and set about fitting the sender. easy enough job although aluminum flakes everywhere after dancing about the garden trying to get everypiece out of the tank!
Next job was to attatch the pacet fan to the rad. I installed the fan with the quick fitting kit and rubber tubing. Thinking about it, i recon i might change it as the unit is heavy, with all the vibraithin i just think it will just cut through the rad in no time. I slipped the rad into the gap and yep it didnt fit. A narrower fan would have been more apropriate

I pushed to the retaining bars forward. this lent the rad forward. To get the rad to fit into the pre drilled hose i cut some hose and lifted the rad. Not only does the rad have about 1 inch clearance (so a bit of heat deflective material cud be attatched to the tank) but acts as suspension, hope this stops wear from those quick fittings.

Thats it for today...... more for tomorrow me thinks
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