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#196 giz


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Posted 07 September 2006 - 03:49 PM

yeah come round on a sunday if you like as every other day i work


yeah i'll pop round soon, won't be this weekend tho, i'm getting married tomorrow :'( and i'll be in bulgaria for 2 weeks so after that yeah i'll come over.

get mine back from the spray shop when i get back, you'll have to come see it again.

see ya soon

#197 dean_chad


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Posted 12 October 2006 - 06:24 PM

Hello people
are we all ok?!!! better than me i bet! its been 4 months now since i work on the car! im now just about to sell my car everyday car to buy the engine and various parts, although ive lost all interest...........

the reason ive not work on it amongst other thinkgs is because ive now been waiting 4 freakin months for parts :w00t: :w00t: :ermm: :dozing: . I really would never bad mouth anyone but feel like im being taken the *yellow human water* out of. ive been told my bonnet and arches are going to be sent tomorrow but ive been told this every wednesday for the last month!!!! i really dunno what to do i really want this custom dash but how long do i wait before calling it a day and getting my money back?

anyway in 2 minds at the minute what to do any sugdestions would come in handy

cheers dean

#198 Ade


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Posted 12 October 2006 - 06:41 PM

You gotta stick with it!! I had a six month wait for some fibreglass doors that I didn't ever get!!!!! Only just got my money back!

As fast became my daily mantra when mine was in the build stages "it'll all be worth it in the end!!" :w00t::w00t:

Just every time you get down look at any clip of one going then you should be smiling again. And also just think do you really want to sell it as "unfinished project" I promised myself whatever happened I'd never let it happen so fingers crossed for you mate.


#199 dean_chad


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Posted 12 October 2006 - 06:45 PM

cheers ade. i doubt i will sell it but doesnt it get on ur tits i mean the more time goes on the harder it is to get hold of him. if it were me i would just tell the person im really strugglin. gimme 2 more weeks if it aint done i will refund u. i dont get whats so hard bout it. as far as i know all the parts are ready to go in the mould! so whats the hold up!!!!

#200 JetBLICK


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Posted 22 October 2006 - 07:32 PM

noticed that you are from the 'shire dean, when u've finished your beast, rekon u'd want to come to our little meet. We'd love to see it ;D

You too nataliegizfish, the more the merrier :proud:


#201 dean_chad


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Posted 22 October 2006 - 07:49 PM

count me in buddy although we all might be old n grey bye the time its done!!!! oh yeh where the bloody hell is the cattle market in worcester?!!!!

#202 koss


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Posted 22 October 2006 - 09:18 PM

Chin up dean, just read the the whole thread very nice build (attention to detail)
i'v lost interest in mine at the moment as i have to many mates in the motor trade and they wont leave me alone. but its all money and we need plenty.
mines mechanicaly finished, had some fun in it, but as winters just about here and xmas i'm going to wait for some quiet days and some room back in the garage, its burried under paint tins and rubbish right now ;D

ps. if it helps take a look at the link i won a hayabusa off here £2800.00 got the bits i wanted, sold the rest of it on ebay. monte engine stands me £900.00 :proud: http://www.hbc.co.uk...cles/V=category

Edited by koss, 22 October 2006 - 09:45 PM.

#203 R1minimagic


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Posted 23 October 2006 - 04:57 PM

Good website, but how do you see the vehicle details??

#204 koss


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Posted 23 October 2006 - 06:19 PM

Dale Just click +250cc then show vehicles
when you find what you want click on photo to see more photos
costs 15 quid to register and bid
I know the photos arnt the best and no description but you can view the bike prior to bidding
watch the hayabusa it finishes tomorow :errr:

#205 R1minimagic


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Posted 23 October 2006 - 07:08 PM

Got you, was looking at one without any extra pics!! :errr:

#206 koss


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Posted 23 October 2006 - 07:18 PM

Its the way to do it, i got £350 just for the front forks and hbc dont know any thing about bikes
(gsx 1300) :errr: forget the fairings only got £80 for them its the little bits that add up.

Edited by koss, 23 October 2006 - 07:19 PM.

#207 JetBLICK


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Posted 23 October 2006 - 10:21 PM

count me in buddy although we all might be old n grey bye the time its done!!!! oh yeh where the bloody hell is the cattle market in worcester?!!!!

cattle market is the one nr the bus station and images. Theres a big shop next to it which i think is a russel and dorrel now?? U'lll know which one it is if you came down, if you drive along the road alongside the river (not the St John's side) u'd see a capark full of chavs in rubbish cars, then somewhere inbetween all the flappy plastic cars u'll see a bunch of retro fezza's, escorts, minis and Vw's :errr:

#208 dean_chad


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Posted 24 October 2006 - 05:33 PM

[color=#3366FF]ITS ABOUT BLOODY TIME I HAD A REAL UPDATE!....................... well after still not hearing anything from my external and internal parts (4 months 1 week and counting) i decided i should be spending money on BIGGER things!!! so i got in touch with Mal at yorkshire engines and ordered an engine. He is a really nice chap ad bends over backwards to help.

So a big box was delivered to work today (exactly on time as stated). i ripped off all the wraping and threw off the lid only to find that the engine in the box was carb'd. Some how like the idiot that i am i orderd a 5jj 2002thinkin it was injection! i have no idea where i got this from but felt such a pleb when i rang up and he explained.


so anyway i pulled it all out the box, took a look round and was really inpressed with how clean it was, no marks on the obvious place either. heres some pic see for yourself

Attached File  Picture_015.jpg   212.76K   76 downloadsAttached File  Picture_016.jpg   218.72K   33 downloadsAttached File  Picture_014.jpg   208.19K   28 downloads

Attached File  Picture_017.jpg   218.13K   32 downloadsAttached File  Picture_019.jpg   212.36K   62 downloadsAttached File  Picture_019.jpg   212.36K   30 downloads

Im really not sure if i want the carb engine as i was set on an injection. Mal said if i want to return it i can and he has somethin else in store if i want it. i was gutted this morning but seem to be happy with recieving such a mint engine. All i thiink is carbs are, well looked at as behing the times now and injection is more reliable , also i was thinking tuning availibilty is a little limited with the carb (i.e no supercharger)!!!

whats does everyone else think? should i keep or swap?


#209 koss


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Posted 24 October 2006 - 05:45 PM

Dales ya man on the carb mate :'(

#210 R1minimagic


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Posted 24 October 2006 - 06:14 PM

I would keep the carb engine mate. Well, being me I prefer the lighter engine. For some reason the carb'd engine seems much lighter than the injected, probably all the extra electronic gubbins that are fitted etc..

In terms of running, the carb'd R1 is nothing like a carb'd mini so I wouldn't worry about that aspect. Mine starts first time every time, no rough running or anything like that. In fact, I have another carbed engine as a spare, which has 190bhp, so the tuning potential is not limited either. If you are happy that the engine is nice and clean (looks like new) and not damaged, low mileage etc, I would stick with it, probably easier to wire up as well. I only needed 3 wires to get mine running!!! The fuel pump will be a lot cheaper as well....

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