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Hi, My Name Is David Vizard And I Have A Question

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#106 David Vizard

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Posted 27 December 2011 - 04:42 PM

Let me guess Mr. Mini Mad - you have not visited my web site davidvizardseminars.com - if you had all your wishes could come true!!

Had a look at the web page David, Im going to book for the seminar in Swansea, Im really looking forward to your lectures..Im glad its moved from September to October though...The September dates coinsided with my 25th wedding anniversary...I have a feeling I would not be having a 26th if I were to attend an engine building lecture.

I look forward to you being there. I can understand the situation with the wife. If you have a one worth keeping then she's the priority - of course if we had not moved the date you could of course have brought he along!


#107 AndyMiniMad.


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Posted 27 December 2011 - 04:57 PM

Yeah...dont think that would have happened somehow...she calls herself the Mini widow!! but she is lovely..


Edited by AndyMiniMad., 27 December 2011 - 04:58 PM.

#108 daveydavey


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Posted 30 December 2011 - 09:41 AM

I am new here...just been getting a mini sprite (for my sins)
learned to drive in a mini many moons ago...used to have a mini van....a pick up and a cooper in my time...how i wish i had kept them....they are worth a fortune now
anyway.... I am dave and am from Sunderland in the north east
is this the real David Vizard the author of "how to modify your mini"?

#109 AndyMiniMad.


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Posted 30 December 2011 - 12:45 PM

I am new here...just been getting a mini sprite (for my sins)
learned to drive in a mini many moons ago...used to have a mini van....a pick up and a cooper in my time...how i wish i had kept them....they are worth a fortune now
anyway.... I am dave and am from Sunderland in the north east
is this the real David Vizard the author of "how to modify your mini"?

Welcome to TMF..sorry but you should have started your own thread, Hyjacking other peoples threads is somewhat frowned upon..

#110 robbie-woods


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Posted 31 December 2011 - 06:56 PM

david vizard not sure if you remember me but i met you in the UK you went to austec racing in crawley / manor royal about 2-3 years ago and a few of us turned up in our minis to meet you, you then held a speech about minis and v8's was really good to meet you and will be left with me for some time being able to meet someone of your talent

As strange as it may seem, as I have met at least a thousand different people since then, but I do - at least as a group. I remember you guys were full of enthusiasm for your mini's. Granted it was not about mini's in particular and was only for a couple of hours - but let me ask how you liked (or not) that shorty seminar. ( The real thing will be far grander with dyno engines and other stuff being shown off).

was a really good day even tho like you say was only for a few hours! learn alot about engines from yourself and the workers there will be good to see you doing a talk about mini engines!!

#111 David Vizard

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Posted 06 January 2012 - 05:18 PM

Just as a reminder - I will be at the Birmingham Autosports show on the Mountune Racing booth/stand 12th to 14th. Like to meet as many Mini fans as possible.

On another point and at this stage no more than a thought in the back of my mind but I have a 16 year old daugter who cannot make her mind up just what sort of race car she would like to drive. For 2012 she has got three drives in drag cars - two Mustangs and a rear engined gas dragster. One of the Mustangs, a five speed is her own and she is currently half way through building the race motor for it. But she is telling me she wants to keep her options open. That's good - i told her the worlds most fun car is a race mini. I don't suppose anyone would care to give her some road race lessons in a not to fierce Mini??


#112 JustSteve



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Posted 06 January 2012 - 05:24 PM

Just as a reminder - I will be at the Birmingham Autosports show on the Mountune Racing booth/stand 12th to 14th. Like to meet as many Mini fans as possible.

On another point and at this stage no more than a thought in the back of my mind but I have a 16 year old daugter who cannot make her mind up just what sort of race car she would like to drive. For 2012 she has got three drives in drag cars - two Mustangs and a rear engined gas dragster. One of the Mustangs, a five speed is her own and she is currently half way through building the race motor for it. But she is telling me she wants to keep her options open. That's good - i told her the worlds most fun car is a race mini. I don't suppose anyone would care to give her some road race lessons in a not to fierce Mini??


I wouldn't be too suprised, if you get a few PM's from members wanting to take up that opportunity, hopeful of becoming your son-in law :shifty:

#113 maggies_minder


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Posted 06 January 2012 - 05:43 PM

Just as a reminder - I will be at the Birmingham Autosports show on the Mountune Racing booth/stand 12th to 14th. Like to meet as many Mini fans as possible.

On another point and at this stage no more than a thought in the back of my mind but I have a 16 year old daugter who cannot make her mind up just what sort of race car she would like to drive. For 2012 she has got three drives in drag cars - two Mustangs and a rear engined gas dragster. One of the Mustangs, a five speed is her own and she is currently half way through building the race motor for it. But she is telling me she wants to keep her options open. That's good - i told her the worlds most fun car is a race mini. I don't suppose anyone would care to give her some road race lessons in a not to fierce Mini??


if you wouldnt mind doing a bit of work on my mini.

she can use mine and have a kidney!

#114 Guest_Zenob1_*

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Posted 06 January 2012 - 07:29 PM

Just as a reminder - I will be at the Birmingham Autosports show on the Mountune Racing booth/stand 12th to 14th. Like to meet as many Mini fans as possible.

Great, i've got my ticket for Saturday. I just might have to bring my copy of the big yellow one for an autogtraph. Ha ha!!


#115 Artful Dodger

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Posted 06 January 2012 - 07:40 PM

Just as a reminder - I will be at the Birmingham Autosports show on the Mountune Racing booth/stand 12th to 14th. Like to meet as many Mini fans as possible.

Great, i've got my ticket for Saturday. I just might have to bring my copy of the big yellow one for an autogtraph. Ha ha!!


2nd that!

#116 Pogue13


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Posted 07 January 2012 - 10:27 AM

Head bowed in acknowledgement to the Mini tuning God

#117 mab01uk


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Posted 07 January 2012 - 10:54 AM

Autosports show tickets £30+ per person :ohno:

#118 mab01uk


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Posted 07 January 2012 - 11:12 AM

Autosport International 2012 - 2-for-1 Ticket Offer using promo code:

#119 TA2DMAC


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Posted 07 January 2012 - 05:16 PM

Sounds Like your daughter could become the next Shirley Muldowney. Whatever she chooses, I'm sure she will exceed in.

#120 newnham500


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Posted 09 January 2012 - 02:10 PM

wow, thats it

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