Posted 11 October 2011 - 11:20 AM
Most of the switches on the mini are multi-pole and also multi-position...
The only one you can realistically change for a single pole off-on switch is the rear demister...
The headlight switch is an off-on-on switch, and has to control two circuits, the side and head lights, and also when the headlights are on then the side light are also required to be on..
The Hazard is an on-on switch, so when in the 'off' position it's actually on and sending power to the indicator circuit, and in the 'on' position it cuts power to the indicator circuit and connects the power to both left and right indicators from a permanent 12v feed and the hazard flasher.
The brake test is not so much a switch as a lamp with a test, the switch just makes the circuit live to test the bulb is working, but in normal condition the circuit is live.
Finally the fog light switch is an off-on, but receives it's power from the side light circuit...
So, if you want to change from the std switches to toggles, the you will need two off-on switches, a momentary on-on switch, and two multi-pole switches, one being an on-on and the other being an off-on-on ( 3 position switch - but you can do this with two off-on multipole switches if necessary )