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Alex's 1982 Hle Rebuild

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#511 alex-95



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Posted 06 December 2016 - 09:54 PM

Chrome windscreen fillet FTW  =]



Chrome windscreen fillet FTW  =]


Definitely the chrome one otherwise it would be different to mine :-)


Keep up the great work Alex, can't wait to see it at the shows next year. I am doing the Riviera Run and Beaulie for sure. Maybe get up country for one?


Cheers mate, me to  :lol: it's taken long enough. I should be at Riv Run http://www.cmcrivierarun.co.uk and castle combe, will have a look at beaulieu. I was planning on going to the Ireland IMM but since it's moved another 3+ hours away probably not :(


My carpets arrived yesterday :gimme: was a struggle getting it home in the ritz  :lol:



Chrome it is


#512 alex-95



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Posted 19 December 2016 - 09:40 PM

Well I was going to update this yesterday but was very busy and got out the garage at 10.15pm and I wanted to do a proper update today but a few problems arose , I had today off to "crack on" with it.


The morning started off like normal, just a bit earlier, fitting bit's and bobs, like the rear view mirror, and door mirrors (door mirrors he says, but he has not fitted the doors yet - or has he), fitted the bonnet after a bit of a palava of minivation hinges and reverting back to the originals and then having to fit the bonnet stay hook and stuck the grille on. I then started it up again which it was running fine until I noticed a nice puddle of fresh fuel on the floor >_<. float valve lid thing off, back on, more fuel, back off, steal one off the running ritz and fit and no more fuel  :gimme:  >_<. at this point I was running late by about 10mins (11.25am).






















Because for the first time since I've owned the ***** thing, I actually drove it :w00t:  :w00t:  :w00t:  :w00t:  

























not only that I drove it to the MOT station :w00t:  :w00t:  :w00t:



























WHICH IT PASSED!!!!!!!!!   with no advisories if I may add... 






So you may be thinking he was driving around all afternoon, nope was put back in the garage to sort out some niggles like steering wheel off centre slightly, the carb issue and more. all of which are still there >_<


will try and update date it properly one day.

Edited by alex-95, 19 December 2016 - 09:41 PM.

#513 JonnyAlpha


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 08:53 AM

Alex - fantastic news and great to see it back on the road (or kept safely in the garage until a sunny / dry day :-) )


Love the front end look - although I haven't gone for a full retro resto like you as you know I decided not to fit the chrome strip to my bonnet and I am about to paint my old MkiV grill to match my roof or body but where did you get your grill as it looks fab especially as its profiled to fit the recess.

#514 GraemeC


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 09:34 AM

Commercial style grill does look fab - I presume it is removable, how've you secured it?

#515 Jared Mk3

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Posted 20 December 2016 - 04:48 PM

Well done!

#516 alex-95



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Posted 20 December 2016 - 09:27 PM

Alex - fantastic news and great to see it back on the road (or kept safely in the garage until a sunny / dry day :-) )


Love the front end look - although I haven't gone for a full retro resto like you as you know I decided not to fit the chrome strip to my bonnet and I am about to paint my old MkiV grill to match my roof or body but where did you get your grill as it looks fab especially as its profiled to fit the recess.

cheers mate, yeah it is, lot's of stuff left to do yet though. 


yeah, thought I'd do something a bit different (although everybody is doing it now :mmkay:), it's a commercial (van/pickup) grille. took a while to get it right to fit the profile and I've got black rubber around it to stop it scratching.


Commercial style grill does look fab - I presume it is removable, how've you secured it?

Thanks, yep it's removable, welded bolts on the back of it and drilled holes in the front panel.


Well done!

Cheers Jared :D



We did a few jobs this evening, more to do tomorrow evening and thursday is the last day for the £50 bet...

#517 cityspeed


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 09:54 PM

Looks super!, well done! Will keep an eye out for this one

#518 alex-95



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Posted 01 January 2017 - 08:31 PM

I've only driven it once since the MOT  :( as a couple of the problems were harder to track down and sort than first thought. Anyway going back to when it was still in bits before the MOT, theres probably loads of bit's I've forgotten about as I didn't take pictures.


First thing was to build up the doors, which involved a lot of assembly and disassembly as I couldn't get the handle to fit against the door nicely so ended up having to use 2 gaskets stuck together and then sanded to suit and had to file a lump off one of the handles. and then fitted the door rubbers and then the doors which took a lot of on and off to get the best fit with shims. I then fitted rivets for the mirrors.



one door



two door




Then the glass, cleaned it all and went over it with autoglym glass polish. 'Tapped' the stainless rail onto them. I then fitted the passengers window rubber that goes around the door frame and fitted the glass and the mechanism to the door. It's pretty stiff to wind it up and down even though I got the correct mech for the door. I then went to fit the drivers one but Minispares sent to of the same side  >_< so had to wait a couple of days for that, but got it fitted.





After I had run the engine a couple of times a couple of coolant leaks arose, one being a 2nd hand heater valve, luckily someone on here said that some other rovers had the same tap just a different mechanism, so I managed to get 2 NOS ones from eBay and fitted it.



sprayed the heater panel, just need to get some labels put onto it.



I fitted the light lenses, front and rear bumpers , seats, wheels etc. Then it was the MOT where we found some problems, one being the engine running badly under load, the wipers didn't park and a few other bit's.

















#519 alex-95



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Posted 01 January 2017 - 09:12 PM

So onto the problems, the wiper motor park switch was a little bit dirty, I had a spare which worked but when I took that one apart it was in worse condition than the original. We removed all the contacts and cleaned everything and added a bit more solder to one of the contacts. Glued it back together and it was working. so refitted it to the wiper motor and refitted it to the engine bay.




one of the problems with the minivation hinges was that it hit on the wiper motor which was solved with a quick mod to the rubber mounting pad, and then with using the saloon holes on the brackets brought the bonnet forward to far so gave up for a minute with them.



The Ritz drivers seat collapsed about a year ago and since then had been held together with cable ties, so thought I'better fix it with a new diaphragm but rather than put the new diaphragm on the ritz's I put it on the MPI seat and put the MPI one on the Ritz's. 

I couldn't find anywhere on the internet that had instructions of how to do it. So I had to make it up, the diaphragms have holes on one side for some reason so I used these to be able to stretch it. I got a bit of rod that fitted into these holes and a length of pipe to go over the rod. I hooked all of one side over first and then put the rod in the first hole nearest to the front and in between the seat frame as in the 1st pic below, levered it to stretch it and lifted the hook until it went into the hole. I then done the 3rd hole and the 3rd hook but using string tied around the frame, levered it and hooked it as in the 2nd photo. I then used a pair of grips to grip the 2nd hook and lever them against the seat frame and hooked it into the seat (if you're trying it you may require to to this one last is it's to tight to fit). I then done the other 2 using the string method.





We then managed to find the problem with the engine running badly, after stripping down the carb, cleaning it changing a few bits and refitting it the problem was still there. while trying to time it dad noticed the dizzy cap flopping about even though it was clamped down. so it was removed and we found this on the brand new lucas dizzy cap.

The little springy centre bit was non existent  :mmkay:, so took the one off the ritz and it was running perfectly. 



so the dizzy cap has be replaced, a few more bit's of wiring done, rear door cards, bins and vinyl arch covers fitted, suspension played with and a lot's of other bit's done.

#520 alex-95



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Posted 01 January 2017 - 09:31 PM

oh and fitted my windscreen washer bottle.


#521 Jared Mk3

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Posted 02 January 2017 - 06:32 AM

Washer bottle is neat.

#522 Alice Dooper

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Posted 02 January 2017 - 12:26 PM

Just read this, awesome standard of work going in to it! Huge fam of the colour and the coloured coded tank caps :-)

Thanks Will, I what to fit the early style one I sprayed but isn't a locking one ... yet... few pictures I found I done back along. I fitted the door striker plate things that I got from smiffy bits at MITP (as seen in some photos above.) but had to file one out.DSCF0445_zpsnyz8a78e.jpg cleaned/refurbed the heater, but needs a bit of modifying to get to fit right as I  haven't got the padded dash rails so it sticks out a mile.DSCF0449_zps2padleiu.jpg When fitting the petrol tank remember to bend the little metal tags to hold wires in else you can't fit the tank very well and end up with this on the nicely painted tank (luckily you can't see it when fitted)  :whistling:DSCF0446_zpszhsy4bn6.jpg engine bay polishedDSCF0463_zpsf6udjmcf.jpgDSCF0464_zps1mfhzh4e.jpg Friday I did a few odds and sods, tightened up all the brake pipes, fitted the water pump to the engine and connected the fuel pipe.DSCF0462_zpslekqe8fr.jpg And yesterday and today we were sorting out the headliner, I want to have a third level brake light for a bit of added safety so run 2 cables up the middle of the rear screen and with some calculations from the RITZ's brake light I drilled 3 holes, 1 in the middle for the wires and 2 for mounting it. then we hung the headliner and with many bulldog clips clipped it up and stuck it up. Easy as that .... ... .. .  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: I still need to do around the rear window, top and bottom and stick it along the outside edges and cut it out properly. I now know why there are professionals that do  :lol:DSCF0457_zpsuyor8usr.jpgDSCF0458_zpstlagtvfd.jpgDSCF0459_zpssfezn2ty.jpg The pictures make it look better than it is, but for my first time doing it I don't think it's that bad.Hopefully I will get it all finished during the week then should be able to get some glass fitted next weekend maybe.

Nice work. Remember doing mine and enjoyed doing it. I found the secret was extra strong double sided tape instead of using regular contact adhesive.

#523 alex-95



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Posted 30 January 2017 - 10:27 PM

Thanks Guy's.


Black mirrors? or body colour? or downtown mirrors...




#524 JonnyAlpha


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Posted 13 February 2017 - 07:11 PM

Chrome mirrors to go with the trim?

#525 alex-95



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Posted 18 February 2017 - 07:14 PM

Chrome mirrors to go with the trim?

not a fan of chrome mirrors, or many styles of mirrors in fact...

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