I did weld up the wing a while back which I forgot to update.

Heres some of the bit's I've got
A set of "Comfy" seats, not the nicest style but I'm going to try and get them recovered in black vinyl.

A set of 8.4" disc brakes

and to go with the disc brakes...
7.5" conversion

somewhere in this thread there are some red anodised solid subframe mounts, I didn't like the red so got them reanodised black.

New rearview mirror not bad for a quid.

and last of all riley elf door pockets which I got pretty cheap
and a set of mudflaps which I have a plan to modify...

An yesterday we actually done some work 
We fitted together the scuttle, a-panel and wing.

the wing still needed a lip for joining to the scuttle so cut one out and bent it to shape. the top peice I welded in before was cut to short so we had to bend a little bit over to make it look right.

clamped the repair bit to the scuttle and welded it to the wing today, Nice gap between the 2 now 

Then drilled a few holes for plug welding and sprayed a few areas with no nonsense zinc spray and welded on the scuttle.

And thats about it for this weekend 