Yesterday we took the entire suspension arm apart and investigated what could be causing the play we´ve been having since new on our RH rear wheel. We already stated it was not a tightening problem, but we did´t know which of the three parts involved was failing; the bearing housing on the arm, the bearing or the flange???
The bearing is brand new, but it could have been a manufacture failure. So we tested it as well. Note the car has only done a few 1000 meters.
we measure the gap between bearing and circlip (not really relevant) which was 0.4mm
next we inspected the bearing housing which was fine:
following was the inspection of the flange and although we could feel some imperfections we could not measure them:
As we couldn´t explain what could have caused this imperfection as it´s only on one side of the flange we took it to our materials teacher who stated the material had failed maybe because the machining could have taken the hardening treatment away...
Further on the bearing showed normal play when not pressed and absolutely no play when pressed, it was perfectly fine!
Finally we put everything back together step by step. So we made another experiment when the bearing was on the arm without the flange and pressed the bearing. Absolutely no play, everything OK.
Lastly we pressed the flange into the bearing and tested it again. Guess what.... the play was back! So problem still there BUT looks like we found who is causing it as everything is pointing to the machined flange.
Could someone please confirm us our assumptions are correct? Steve please take a look at this issue, we will contact you via email as well.
Thank you all
Edited by proyecton10, 24 November 2011 - 10:07 AM.