![Posted Image](http://i815.photobucket.com/albums/zz76/proyectoN10/IMG_0958.jpg)
![Posted Image](http://i815.photobucket.com/albums/zz76/proyectoN10/Problemas%20palieres/th_IMG_0961.jpg)
Furthermore in the rear right wheel we found some play in the hub itself and we are unsure of what is cousing it.So we started thinking the driveshaft was maybe not tight enough because we were using conical nuts at the end of the shaft, but we conclude it was not a problem of tighting.
![Posted Image](http://i815.photobucket.com/albums/zz76/proyectoN10/IMG_0959.jpg)
Previously a spacer was welded to the driveshaft end and becasue we misscalculate the lenght of the shaft and we are now thinking the play might be caused because the spacer is not sitting correctly against the bearing. At the moment the edge of our spacer is sitting on the blue market line in the picture which is a anglular surface and we are unsure if it should be sitting on the surface 1 or 2 in the picture.
![Posted Image](http://i815.photobucket.com/albums/zz76/proyectoN10/Problemas%20palieres/IMG_0963-2.jpg)
Play in the hub is decresed when the driveshaft is tighten but there is still to much play!! Any suggestions would me more than welcome.
Thanks a lot to everyone
Edited by proyecton10, 30 September 2011 - 01:42 PM.