First the specs
Installing duplex double timing chain and a Kent 276 Megadyne Cam in 1293 A+
It is my understanding that the timing for the cam on a standard mini engine is at 106-107 degrees. The Kent camshaft should be advanced 3-4 degrees, so I should be setting the timing to equal 103 degrees.
When installing the timing gears you would normally align the dots on the timing chain gears to each other and then fine tune them. However when I did the below timing method it shows that my dots are 25 degrees apart. I've heard of a few degrees separation but is 25 degrees ok?

Method used to calculate degrees.
Find Top Dead Center on piston one.
Insert pushrod in second valve and place dial gauge on it.
Place camshaft timing degree wheel on crankshaft end, mark 0 or TDC.
Rotate crank forward until pushrod lift is at maximum.
Rotate crank each direction Take readings 5 degrees on either side of maximum valve lift.
Degree wheel read 110 degrees and 95 degrees.
Add numbers together 205 then divide by 2 = timing at 102.5 degrees.
Whew, that only took me 5 hours to figure out.
So do I trust the dots and my calculations are way off or, is this ok?