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Whos Rollered Their Car?

Best Answer leadly , 11 October 2011 - 07:49 AM

Still need to get my finger out and test rollering out on my old bonnet to see what I can acheive. Alot of roller projects look great on the net but I still don't think i'v seen a good job in the flesh yet....unless they were that good I didnt realise it was rollered. lol Go to the full post

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#91 matt050990


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Posted 29 June 2014 - 03:12 PM

Just read this from start to finish. Some great results on here but it's like anything you see online, is it really that easy? Also, how long did it take from start to finish? Not including waiting for tcut just the initial painting?

Hi buddy,
I allowed 10 days give or take but went over.
1 day to strip the car, another day to prep it (lots of rubbing down) then 1 coat per day (8-10 coats) managed to 2 coat on hot days as it dried by late afternoon.
To roller the car took me about 30 mins, so not long to paint, just the drying times that slow the process. If you get the mix somewhere near right it doesn't take to long to rub down every 2nd coat with 800 grit. It did however take 2 days to put it back together...mainly putting the glass back in that took the time (remind me not to do that again!)
I would say allow two weeks to get it painted. then another 2-3 weeks before the final cut and polish (if the sun stays out!)
Give me a shout if you need any other info...pic is as the car stands now waiting to be cut and polished.

Cheers for the write up mate.
The results on here are looking great and for such a cheap way to do it. I can barely paint a wall so doing it on a car is a little daring for me, I might pick up some scrap from somewhere to do some test runs.

#92 craig 1010cc

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Posted 29 June 2014 - 04:24 PM

That's a good way to practice and get the feel, but I'd start work on a good bonnet or boot that you could use on on your car

#93 will_


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Posted 29 June 2014 - 07:00 PM

Wow. Never thought people would get such a good finish rollering their car !!

#94 Disco Dan

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Posted 23 July 2014 - 04:03 AM

About to give this a go BUT can't get rustoleum paints here or anything cellulose based. 2 pac or Enamel is only options. 


Got a test pot of enamel to try on some scrap steel to see how it works before I go fork out for more.

#95 joakwin


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Posted 23 July 2014 - 06:20 AM

roller this last sept



did the doors in dec

and the front end and boot lip in march




#96 WishIHadAName


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Posted 14 October 2014 - 03:32 PM

Has anyone any expereince of rollering Rustoleum in an un heated garage? What temperature will it work down too?

#97 Ben_O


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Posted 14 October 2014 - 05:53 PM

Has anyone any expereince of rollering Rustoleum in an un heated garage? What temperature will it work down too?

I know one of the members on here rollered his car with rustoleum outside on the driveway.


He has a build thread on here for his project. i would say either check out his thread or perhaps drop him a PM.


His name on here is grahama.


Good luck



#98 Big Man

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Posted 14 October 2014 - 06:11 PM

I have roller painted my ldv convoy minibus using rustoleum and the finish was rubbish. Was relatively smooth but ended up drying matt not gloss. It was done outside in the summer at temp around 18-20 degrees. It was approx 70 percent paint and 30 mineral spirit.

Now I did the large fibreglass roof of the ldv using dulux trade hi gloss...... Coverage was way better than rustoleum but again it dried matt.

I think the matt finish was due to insufficient drying time before the temp dropped in the evening then overnight. also when rollering in bright sunlight (only half got the sun all day) that dried quicker and almost but not quiet a gloss.

Now moving on.......

A member here skorchio if memory serves was rollering his mini same time as I was doing mine and we both contributed to the thread...think he finished but I moved onto other things......

I actually got a mirror finish on bonnet, boot and wings (the only bits I did) by rollering normal metal gloss paint , think paint was johnsons or leyland or similar.

I have now started on the mini again using an everyday metal oil based high gloss. Only done two coats on one wing, Takes an age to dry but so far coverage is excellent and it's drying gloss! This is in a dry garage and if it gets any colder my gas heater will be used. I may try thinning with thinners as opposed to white spirit as that should speed up drying time slightly. Currently 50 50 paint to spirit.

Hope that helps


#99 Big Man

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Posted 14 October 2014 - 06:13 PM

Nearly forgot... Don't skimp on the prep and flat ting between coats!

#100 WishIHadAName


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Posted 13 April 2015 - 08:57 AM

Started rollering my mini on the second coat now. Only problem Im having is its not covering where my primer. I only primered what I repaired or filled but its now showing through against the old paint which was just rubbed back. Onlu on my second coat and aiming for six coats. Will it cover? Overall happy the way its going other than getting dust on the wing in the picture :/

#101 Ben_O


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Posted 13 April 2015 - 09:06 AM

It will cover. The reason it's standing out right now is that you will have different colours underneath like the primer, old paint etc.


Just don't be tempted to apply it more heavily where it appears thin as you will probably ruin it.


Just go easy with one even coat at a time and it will soon cover.



#102 WishIHadAName


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Posted 13 April 2015 - 09:11 AM

How many coats did you apply?

#103 Ben_O


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Posted 13 April 2015 - 09:16 AM

How many coats did you apply?

I haven't rollered a car before but it's the same principle as spraying. The first 2-3 coats rarely cover that well

#104 spiguy


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Posted 13 April 2015 - 09:42 AM

I have a question about this. I am tempted to go this route with my 'project' mini (fancy way of saying it's been lying in my garage for years unfinished..).

Does this give issues in future if someone decided to get the car sprayed, either in cellulose  / 1K / 2K etc. Would they need to bare metal the car first ?

#105 craig 1010cc

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Posted 14 April 2015 - 06:49 PM

From memory red is quiet a translucent colour so will need a few more coats as your base colour was red, it will take a few coats to blend in the primer. I suspect after 3 you'll not see the primer but if you want to flat it back to a shine then your going to need 5 or 6 i suspect. I've not tridd over painting rustoleum, best place to ask would be the rolled on forum.

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