I have been a busy boy again so not much to report. I have been having fun (or not) with brake pipes. I dug the compensator valve out of the brake box and realised it was still a horrid colour, so I wire brushed it and gave it a coat of primer & satin black to match the master cylinder. I then grabbed the beam and hoisted it up onto the bench to start dealing with the brake pipes. When I bought the car there was a kit of brand new (Mini) pipes - all except the front to rear pipe, so making up the new pipes was not an issue.
I found my 3-way splitter and bolted it to the beam, then made up the first (short pipe) to go between the splitter and braided brake hose. All went together easily. I then got the longer pipe for the other side - this needed to be bent about a bit as the Midas has a narrower rear track than a Mini. Again, not too much of an issue. Then I once again delved into the brake pipes box to find only one pipe to go from the braided pipe to the cylinder. Typical! There is also a problem with the front to rear brake hose - the ends are different on the one I need. The one I have does not...
I have put an order in to Mini Spares.
Compensator valve looking more respectable.
Short brake pipe made up and fitted...
...and longer one bent about a bit to fit.