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Mini City E Rebuild

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#16 pickuptruck1994


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Posted 05 September 2011 - 08:34 PM

here is some pictures from work i have been doing lately but work will be slower now as i am now back at sixth forum doing my a levels so will try and work on it as much as possible but also not to much to effect my work.
any way here is the pics
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this pic is before i started
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a bit of welding here and there but takes a long time as was raining on and off.
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when i get the chance tomorrow i will grind down the welds and then start to attack the rust at the bottom of the flitch panel.


#17 pickuptruck1994


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Posted 11 September 2011 - 08:30 PM

right so been awhile have welded in the bottom of the flitch panel now and have cleaned most of the welds up now. i have had another injury i waqs using a wire cup brush on my grinder clean up whats left of the scuttle and it flicked up on the edge of the metal and went into my neck. i have lots of scrapes but nothing to deep whichs is ok just stings a little. i will be carrying on with the mini after sixforum tomorrow if i have the time i will start to clean up the small bubbles and the surface rust aroun d the back end. will get some more picks up soon

#18 sonikk4


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Posted 11 September 2011 - 08:38 PM

You have been busy but i couldn't help notice the wiring loom by the repair you have just done. Did you protect it if not you may end up with a lot of trouble.

#19 pickuptruck1994


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Posted 12 September 2011 - 09:18 AM

i removed the wiring loom out of its hole and kept it away then when i finished i pushed it back through

#20 pickuptruck1994


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Posted 15 September 2011 - 05:01 PM

right i now have mad my mind up and im not going to do a flip front but i am going to have a fibreglass bonet as the one that came on the car it misshaped a little like someone has sat on it. this has made it not fit right. as i am going to have a fibreglass bonet i will be using pins or will use a mix of the pins at the back then the rubber handle locks (dont know their proper name :) ) i am going to the mini world action day on the 24th so will not be ordering any parts until after then as might be able to get them cheaper there. will be getting a lift with my mate who is rebuilding two minis so i think we will be going home after we have filled his metro up with goodies :) anyway will just start to prep the front of the car and start to rub down the body, fingers crossed i dont find any more rust.


#21 pickuptruck1994


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Posted 20 September 2011 - 09:31 AM

havent done much lately as been hhelping my friend weld up his mini and also the weather has be rainy so cant do any work outside. might start to clean up the parts i have sitting in my shed for now

#22 pickuptruck1994


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Posted 26 September 2011 - 09:02 PM

right has bean few days now, i have not done much becasue of the weather :( but i went mini world action day on the 24th and spend a small amount, i got lots of goodies, bonet, bootlid, new discs and pads and pins for front, some more bushes and my whole new front end. realy pleased with the price i got it for 142 for whole front end and panels look good but i shall see when fitting them :s. i think my best buy was my bonet brand new and got it for 10 :)
here is a pic of offering front panel up to the mini
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looking good cant wait for it to be finished

#23 pickuptruck1994


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Posted 20 October 2011 - 11:46 PM

bean doinging a little bit more work on the mini, i have patched uo the front of the inner wings, taken out the front subby and taken off the steering rack and have nearly finished cleaning up the bulkhead, i have red oxide primered it but dont know what to put over the top as i want it to be hard wearing so might hamerite it or something, next job is to clean up the steering rack and put that back on strip, clean, paint and rebuild front subby annd attatch back to the car to then weld on the front end seam seal and then paint and underseal it all. need to get under the front floor pans i fitted and weld the other side of them and seam seal and paint do both of the sills. then move on to the rust i found in the boot shouldnt be too hard as its only two holes so will patch them up. will then remove rear subby and strip, clean, paint and rebuild it fix the battery box then seam seal paint and under seal then get full respray and put it all back together and hope the engine will run again :S mot then on the road. thats if it goes to plan which most of the time things dont

#24 lucas1amps


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Posted 13 November 2011 - 11:15 PM

bean doinging a little bit more work on the mini, i have patched uo the front of the inner wings, taken out the front subby and taken off the steering rack and have nearly finished cleaning up the bulkhead, i have red oxide primered it but dont know what to put over the top as i want it to be hard wearing so might hamerite it or something, next job is to clean up the steering rack and put that back on strip, clean, paint and rebuild front subby annd attatch back to the car to then weld on the front end seam seal and then paint and underseal it all. need to get under the front floor pans i fitted and weld the other side of them and seam seal and paint do both of the sills. then move on to the rust i found in the boot shouldnt be too hard as its only two holes so will patch them up. will then remove rear subby and strip, clean, paint and rebuild it fix the battery box then seam seal paint and under seal then get full respray and put it all back together and hope the engine will run again :S mot then on the road. thats if it goes to plan which most of the time things dont

and help me with my rust bucket lmao =]

#25 pickuptruck1994


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Posted 14 November 2011 - 10:53 PM

bean doinging a little bit more work on the mini, i have patched uo the front of the inner wings, taken out the front subby and taken off the steering rack and have nearly finished cleaning up the bulkhead, i have red oxide primered it but dont know what to put over the top as i want it to be hard wearing so might hamerite it or something, next job is to clean up the steering rack and put that back on strip, clean, paint and rebuild front subby annd attatch back to the car to then weld on the front end seam seal and then paint and underseal it all. need to get under the front floor pans i fitted and weld the other side of them and seam seal and paint do both of the sills. then move on to the rust i found in the boot shouldnt be too hard as its only two holes so will patch them up. will then remove rear subby and strip, clean, paint and rebuild it fix the battery box then seam seal paint and under seal then get full respray and put it all back together and hope the engine will run again :S mot then on the road. thats if it goes to plan which most of the time things dont

and help me with my rust bucket lmao =]

yh will do m8. it all justt takes time lol. will help u soon!!! when you getting that welder and compressor as then can get yours done quicker.

#26 pickuptruck1994


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Posted 14 November 2011 - 11:06 PM

a little up date
the rust that i found in the boot as playing with the wire cup brush
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a little cutting turned in to this
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with a little welding and cleaning up, and the rust in the pic is on the subframe and not the metal i was welding too so dont worry i am not covering anything up.
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still gots go another little patch for it
and this patch
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then had good luck as my dads new job had an car transporter to which we borrowed the weekend just got and moved my mini into his garage so lots of work will takke place now rain or shine. just gota movwe my tools over to his now.
just a little pic of when we put it in to the garage
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watch this space work should speed up now
welding on jordan

Edited by pickuptruck1994, 14 November 2011 - 11:08 PM.

#27 Mini 360

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Posted 14 November 2011 - 11:19 PM

Another city E :D Will be keeping an eye on this!

#28 pickuptruck1994


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Posted 19 November 2011 - 09:09 PM

right did a little bit more today but progress was slow as had a hard night at my m8s = drunk + no sleep :) but got a patch welded in and started to chop out some other bits of rust in the boot. also found about 3-5 little rust patches on the boot hinge panel which have gone through. they are so little i am just going to repair them. will crack on with some more work tomorrow night or monday night. any way will post pics up later on as didnt get any.
solwly welding on

#29 pickuptruck1994


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Posted 28 November 2011 - 11:16 PM

right back again didnt get any work done last week as i was busy would have done some yesterday but my dog was realy ill as she was old and it was til to let her go so had to say goodbye to her :( didnt do anything to night as had course work. but i have been doing a bit more research in to my mini and found out it was put on the road on the 13th of january 1989 and also started looking in to the paint code and have found out it is a mini flame, as it has the paint code COF and was in the time frame in which they were made. also i chipped some paint off my sparkly roof and found white paint under it. the sparkly paint had cracks in it and it chipped off realy easy which shows someone might have resprayed it but very badly. anyway will be working on it soon probs wednesday as working tomorrow. also got my gaskets and stuff for the engine and also got new seals for the brakes, if anyone has any tips on replacing brake caliper seals will be a real help.
getting there slowly

#30 lucas1amps


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Posted 04 December 2011 - 09:48 PM

you dont no what boot rust is lmao and intresting bout it being a flame model =]

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