I've finally bought myself the clubby estate that I should have bought ages ago!!
Its an ebay special(more of that later). Russett brown, 60k on the clock and not too bad really(honest)
Picked it up today (with a little help from Andy and Jay), the seller managed to avoid taking a picture of the bad side one ebay(and not mention it to me on the phone either) so I wasn't entirely impressed. However we did come to an arrangement so its all good now.
Passengers side is good

Its the drivers side where it all goes wrong!!

Oh dear!! I think I'll just replace the entire side panel, will be easier in the long run. Lots and lots of crappy welding as well

The seats are growing on me and the original door cards are under the crappy re-trim

The passengers side doesn't look as bad, its just the usual over sill nonsense.
I've pulled the oversill off the drivers side

I may just buy a full floor pan and cut it down to repair this side, will save messing around.
Other plans are a braker overhaul and just get him back on the road