Day 23, Sunday 15th Aug 2010 Cochobka, Russia to xxxxxx. RussiaAs usual we got up early and were on road by 8:10. The day was much cooler at a cool 36-38 degrees C. On our trip to the capital we did quite well and only got stopped at one checkpoint without any issue.

Mini with new trailer

Russian church

The boys

Boot stall

Lunch on the road – All day breakfast

Roads still cloaked in smog from the Russian forest fires
As we got closer to the city we realised that we may need a Moscow city map. We managed to get one but soon found out that it wasn’t the best as we struggled to find our way.

Jev planning the route

While trying to find the Red Square we pulled over to check our maps and ask a local for directions. While we were doing this a young chap wandered over to us and asked in really good English if he could help! Once we explained that we wanted to see the Red Square he was more than happy to help as he was just taking his relatives from Estonia there. He then explained he was a member of the Moscow mini club, Awesome! His car of choice, a tuned mini cooper, not bad at all. So all we had to do was keep up with him as he weaved through a load of back roads and found us a parking space really close to the square itself.

Getting some help from a fellow Mini owner - Mini convoy

Group pic
We walked into the square and were greeted by the famous seen that I remembered from one of the Bond films, we had made it!

Entering the Red Square

Definaly the Red Square
Just off the Red Square we found a smaller square where there were some bronze panels on the floor and our unofficial guide told us that people stand at the centre of the bronze panels and make a wish while throwing a coin over your shoulder. So of course I had a go and hoped we would get home ok!

Making a wish
I then found out that Jev gets distracted easily when he has the camera and I ask him to take pictures of famous sights.

Jev took this pic

Tourist pic

Jev’s fault again

Graves in the Kremlin wall

One for the book
Red Square, Russia
Received by SMS at 15th August 2010 at 17:22
Red Square, Russia. Red Square........done.
Unfortunately we still had quite a distance to cover that day so we said good bye to our guide and family, they wished us all the best and we headed back to the mini. While parked up we decided to top up the tank with one of the jerry cans. This ended up with us spilling some fuel outside shop front, ops.
We left the centre but again the map seemed a bit suspect. We stopped to ask for directions from a street seller but we soon became less convinced that they were the best. Once again we pulled over to ask for directions and a family walking past gave us brilliant directions so we finally got free but later than we wanted.
Whilst driving we stopped in a lay-by to will the car with one of the jerry cans. As we were about to fill up we noticed a car pull up near us and a massive old guy step out the car wearing some very small shorts and a weight lifting belt. He wandered straight over to us, this was a touch worrying at fist as the guy looked like a gladiator! He came over and said he had seen us drive past and follow us to say.....hello! Phew. It turned out that he had spent some of his childhood in Algeria and seen minis there so he wanted to find out why we were driving through Russia. We explained our trip and our little incident and he thought it was a great thing to do. He spoke extremely good English and we found out that he studied at Moscow University and was working for a Russian oil company.
We were soon making good time on the motorways but as the light faded we came across a rather odd part of a ‘Motorway’, road works were being done and the road didn’t have lines or central reservation! It was really difficult to judge where I was supposed to be driving but as there was a load of traffic on other side and non on ours I just kept out of there way and tried not to come off the tarmac.
It was then time to start looking for a hotel. We did our usual method of asking at a petrol station but it was not great response. We came off motorway to find a town with a hotel and as we did this Jev for some reason got on the wrong side of road. This was soon resolved as I yelled and an oncoming helpfully flashed us. It was time to get some sleep! We couldn’t find a hotel so got back on the motorway and hoped we would find something soon. We then saw another petrol station a bit further on and ask we pulled in to ask for a hotel realised that the petrol station had motel next to it, result.
We got into the hotel and a very reluctant receptionist eventually got us a room. This turned out to have no shower but there was a water dispenser in the corridor, winner. Jev ate his third ration pack of the day, pig. We had a look at the route through the rest of Russia and there were 3 pages of map to do the following day, another long day.