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The 'as And When' Hornet Project

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#46 george66


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Posted 15 June 2015 - 09:36 PM

Finally decided it's time to get moving again with this project, have spent a few hours over a few nights and have got some more done


DIY panel made



Welded in



Ground down, not too happy with it, some mild distortion, but should be able to correct it



Rear seat pan welded in, it has been fully welded in and ground down but not in this picture



O/S arch replaced and ground down



Crossmember is now fully welded, ground down and zinc primed as are the A-post and step repair panels (no photos of these yet)



Next step is to repair the passenger side rear quarter which was full of filler, about 1/2" of it, then replace the same side wheel arch, then move on to making the extension for the boot pan and welding that in place along with the supports for underneath the boot pan. once that is done it's then onto finishing the front. still got inner wings, front panel, scuttle panel and outer wings to align, hopefully this will all be done within the next couple of months

#47 george66


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Posted 20 June 2015 - 08:07 AM

Wednesday afternoon a package arrives with a mini rear quarter repair panel



Needed to repair this section so it doesn't have 1/2" of filler in and also the arch lip was very thin



Offered the panel into place and wasn't happy with how the top fitted into the window recess



so decided some of it had to go, also wanted to retain the original line where the upper and lower

2 panels on Hornets and Elf's separate



panel was then zinc primed



then clamped into place again and cut down down a little lower, I was left with this


inner arch was left in place as a reference point till new panel is welded in


new quarter tacked in place



quite a while later and it's fully welded into place



and after the grinding down is done, am very happy with how this has turned out.

A thin coat of filler will be needed to finish it off, but nowhere near the amount that was in it previously



Next step, which might get done this weekend will be the inner arch for this side.


Was also given this the other week from a friend of a family member, looks quite old, been in their garage for years


picture quality not great, will try again later

Edited by george66, 20 June 2015 - 08:46 AM.

#48 Ben_O


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Posted 20 June 2015 - 11:34 AM

Great work on that Quarter panel. Looks like it came out really well.



#49 george66


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Posted 20 June 2015 - 08:25 PM

Cheers Ben, it turned out that well, I'm contemplating doing the other side.

Have also got the nearside inner arch in today as well

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