Managed to cut out the rear tunnel that didn't seem worth saving

And fit one from a wrote off MK3, after removing the square end and reshaping to round

Repair piece added in

Cleaned off and etch primed, still needs a bit of shaping, will do that when crossmember gets cut out, pop rivets holding it in place, will be removed when new cross member goes in

Welded in piece of 1x1 box section as a guide for lining up the tunnel, before cutting out the old one.

Seems to fit nicely at the crossmember

And to finish the day off, I made a couple of stiffeners, from some 1.7mm offcuts, for the new boot floor that will be going in

Hopefully it won't be another 4 weeks before I do the next update.
Edited by george66, 17 April 2013 - 03:47 PM.