only registered here today, just over a week ago I bought a '67 - '68 Hornet.
Engine was seized when I bought it, but managed to free it and actually had it running for approx 30 secs, won't be run anymore until it's been out and had a look at.
This is my 1st attempt at anything this bad
This will be done 'as and when' I can, but hopefully within a year
as and when I can afford to spend money on it
as and when I can spare the time
as and when I feel like tinkering with it
as and when I can find some good metal to weld to
A few pictures for you
O/S/R window
N/S/R Floor
N/S/F floor
N/S vent - Flitch, O/S is same condition
O/S/R floor
O/S/F floor
Rear seat base
N/S inner wing
Edited by george66, 07 June 2011 - 10:25 PM.