EDIT: i copied the idea from a mini, i saw in minimag a few years back and decided i wanted mine like that.
If you like it thats all that matters!! i really couldnt give a monkeys if you copied someone elses mini.I mean how many OEW or BRG, Tahiti blue etc etc minis do you see but that goes with out anyone saying i like it but the fact that youve copied someones colour. Also has yours got the same interior or engine? its bound to be different because you done it the way you want it. everyone has a mini because they want to pretty much reflect them and there ideas even if it is someone elses but they make it how they want it so if he had copied someone elses mini in order to have a mini he dreamed of having then so what.
also love the paint job it really is smart!!!!
all this said all of it is IN MY OPINION im not saying this is right just my view same as everyone elses.