So the story goes back by 6 years and im a 19 year old shadow of myself today, 3 weeks before I head for the dizzy heights of freedom from the parents and go to Uni, I decide that it would be a good idea to buy myslef another mini as a project while im home at the weekends(which never happend). Purchasing from a friend the other side of the village, I drive my prise home to the sum of almost a mile (on 2 cylinders) and stick it in the garage. The very next day out come the spanners and its striped to a shell in a matter of hours.

Fast forward to the present day and the car is still sat on the same axle stands it rested on 6 years ago. In this time a good friend has setup his own company doing roadside bodywork repair and has become a dab hand with a spray gun.....ARRHARR.....interest in my project has resumed.
So off we set Obital sanders in hand on a Saturday afternoon and 3 hours later this.

Edited by SAL 821X, 25 May 2011 - 07:41 PM.