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200 bhp mini ?

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#1 black1430


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Posted 10 January 2006 - 01:33 PM

has anyone produced 200 bhp from a series engine, i going off a magazine feature i read a while back in miniworld dec 2004, and was thinking of going the same route Ive owned my mini for 5 years 2 with my engine (already tarmac terrorist) but long for that extra turbo surge and he claimed 250 with nitros was it proven? if i shell out 4,5k with all the mods i'l want the power, i've read 180 is the max, anyone out there with a proven tech spec, are you out there?

#2 The Matt

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Posted 10 January 2006 - 01:49 PM

I did read an article in Miniworld about a guy called Paul Whiffin that had a mint green clubby and I am sure that was said to produce 215 BHP and ALOT of torque. The problem with that kinda power in a Mini would be getting it to stick it down to the floor!

#3 DaveCoxon


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Posted 10 January 2006 - 01:49 PM


is a proven example.

#4 The Matt

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Posted 10 January 2006 - 01:50 PM


is a proven example.

lol yeah, forgot about that one! :wub:

mmmmmmmmm miniwilliams! :o

#5 Jammy


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Posted 10 January 2006 - 02:34 PM

if i shell out 4,5k with all the mods i'l want the power,

Spend that much and you'll struggle to get more than 130-140 bhp!

I think 250bhp is entirely possible out of an A series engine. Dan Webster is around 200bhp with his KAD engine. And he uses that everyday! With turbo and NOS I can't see it being too much of a problem, not sure how long an engine like that would last though!

#6 AlexF2003


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Posted 10 January 2006 - 03:02 PM

Dan is not around 200 lol


#7 Jammy


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Posted 10 January 2006 - 03:07 PM

Whats his pushing out? It maybe his brothers that is near that then? One sec...

EDIT: Found a quote from Dan on MF about him talking about his brothers mini:

The mini in the overtaking vid is my brothers. 185hp at 8600rpm and weighs 575kilos with a full tank, thats 330hp per tonne. Fastest of all around curbourough too apart from the mental spaceframe mini ...

So 15 bhp off 200?! :erm:

#8 Turbo Nick

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Posted 10 January 2006 - 04:10 PM

if i shell out 4,5k with all the mods i'l want the power,

Spend that much and you'll struggle to get more than 130-140 bhp!

I think 250bhp is entirely possible out of an A series engine. Dan Webster is around 200bhp with his KAD engine. And he uses that everyday! With turbo and NOS I can't see it being too much of a problem, not sure how long an engine like that would last though!

i've spent around 2k on my complete engine setup and it was 120bhp @ 10psi. yet to have it rollered at 15psi but it *should* be around 130/140 hopefully.

200bhp is entirely possible from £4/5k as long as you know what you're doing and build the engine carefully rather than going for a big spec list/cheque book engine.

And yup as you mentioned dan's brothers is 185bhp, dans is around 165bhp i remember him saying.

Nick :wub:

#9 Jammy


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Posted 10 January 2006 - 04:25 PM

Hmmm, maybe if you did things like modifying the head yourself, and bought everything second hand, then yes, I spose it *could* just be possible to build a 200bhp A series engine for 5k. However I would of thought this would include NOS (which means there isn't 200bhp available all the time (ie, only while you have NOS in the bottle!)), or a great big turbo!

#10 Pandora


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Posted 10 January 2006 - 04:36 PM

Just make sure you can rebuild your engine miniwilliams is doing his about, every three months i think. lol crazy bloke, but an awsum car. I dont have the time to do that :wub: you should have a look at it on the minifilms dvd.

#11 Bungle


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Posted 10 January 2006 - 04:45 PM

i remember in CCC mag a few years ago there was a 998cc KAD 16 valve mini that had 200 bhp

#12 Sprocket


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Posted 10 January 2006 - 05:27 PM

i remember in CCC mag a few years ago there was a 998cc KAD 16 valve mini that had 200 bhp

That would have been based on the 970 S engine as the KAD head is designed for big bore engines only.

I'm looking to get around 150bhp from my 16valve turbo but then everything about it is in mild tune all be it an exotic conversion.

#13 Turbo Phil

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Posted 10 January 2006 - 05:39 PM

200hp is certainly possible, as many above have confirmed. Infact the works Group "A" Metros were producing this some 20+ years ago ........ :wink:

#14 wolfie


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Posted 10 January 2006 - 06:09 PM

i have nitrous but dont have 200 brake

personally i dont see the fasination i would rather have a car that was drivable than the undrivability that 200 brake can bring

and until someone works out how to put a proper injection setup on then imho drivability and 200 brake are not compatible

#15 DaveCoxon


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Posted 10 January 2006 - 06:28 PM

I'm one of the few who has been fortunate enough to drive Matt Woods' mini - and it's more than 200hp by the way - but wouldn't class it as undrivable. It drives and pulls very smoothly from idle; A real credit to the way it's set up.
Once you spool that turbo though, it really pulls its socks up and becomes a pretty ferocious machine. The only complaint i had with it was the stiffness of the clutch pedal, and the handling - or moreover the random 'pulling' of the steering wheel as one wheel finds more traction than the other. Thank god it didn't have an LSD or I'd have put it in a hedge!

He rebuilds it once a year I believe - more often as a precautionary measure than because it's 'failed'. He builds the engine himself (and he isn't a profeesional engineer / engine builder either) which saves a lot of money naturally. Credit where credit's due aswell; he uses it a LOT through the year, and racks up many thousands of miles more than others who rebuild their engine every year...

200hp doesn't need big RPM's (7k rpm absolute max - 6500/6800rpm should do though), which eliminates the need for super-lightweight internals and billet mains caps. All it needs is a low CR. Strong pistons. And boost, Lots of Boost.

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