Question is in title.
Any idea where i can find this information?

How Many Classic Mini Are Still Registered?
Started by
, Apr 18 2011 02:57 PM
3 replies to this topic
Posted 18 April 2011 - 02:57 PM
Posted 18 April 2011 - 03:14 PM
There's been a couple of topics on here - think Mab is the man
Posted 18 April 2011 - 03:17 PM
thought they would have been.
Posted 18 April 2011 - 07:11 PM
The most recent DVLA figures are towards the end of the long thread above posted by Ethel, and are repeated below for any other recently joined TMF members who may be interested:
The latest DVLA figures for the Classic Mini as published in the November 2010 issue of Mini Magazine:-
Approx. 30,000 Mini's left on the road in 2010
Latest UK Statistics:
63,592 Classic Minis still registered in UK on October 1st 2010
of which:
32,847 were taxed,
30,745 on SORN
(Wolseley Hornet and Riley Elf derivatives were not included in Mini figures above)
On the 22 August 2010:
there were 327 Riley Elf vehicles with a current licence and 225 on SORN.
there were 275 Wolseley Hornets with a current licence and 166 on SORN.
All figures are approximate as results vary on the number of Mini variants/names/manufacturer included in the DVLA search criteria and the quite varied way in which they are described on logbooks/V5 especially in the early days, eg. an Austin Seven will not appear in a search for Mini............etc.
The latest DVLA figures for the Classic Mini as published in the November 2010 issue of Mini Magazine:-
Approx. 30,000 Mini's left on the road in 2010
Latest UK Statistics:
63,592 Classic Minis still registered in UK on October 1st 2010
of which:
32,847 were taxed,
30,745 on SORN
(Wolseley Hornet and Riley Elf derivatives were not included in Mini figures above)
On the 22 August 2010:
there were 327 Riley Elf vehicles with a current licence and 225 on SORN.
there were 275 Wolseley Hornets with a current licence and 166 on SORN.
All figures are approximate as results vary on the number of Mini variants/names/manufacturer included in the DVLA search criteria and the quite varied way in which they are described on logbooks/V5 especially in the early days, eg. an Austin Seven will not appear in a search for Mini............etc.
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