Last weekend I managed 1/2 day in the garage and managed to fit one of the upper arms.
Here is one of the doughnuts I painted, after taking off the masking tape.
To help with this subframe build I used this MiniMania video.
First up, as the doughnut is going to be in there (hopefully) a good few years, I thought I'd best slap some copper grease on the contact areas.

I then sorted out a washer to protect the paint, I put some cardboard under this before using the spring compressor to hold the cone in place.

Then I dug out the SH Hi Los I bought ages ago. Gave them a polish up.

These are MiniSpares non genuine ones, which someone on one of the FB groups referred to as Hi Highs
In thier lowest position they are 85.78mm. I am not sure if this is lower than or the same as a standard cone? It was suggested that I machine the tops down, but in the interested of not dragging this build out anymore, I decided to fit them as is and see what they end up like on the car and adjust them then if needs be.

As these don't reduce as much as genuine Hi Los I needed to compress the spring (doughnut).

When doing this you have to make sure that the centre threaded bar does not rotate down into the spring as it will foul on the Hi Low adjuster bolt.
Before fitting the Hi Lo, I greased the bolt and the area of the cone that will sit in the doughnut.

In the pic above you can just make out that I sprayed the alloy cone with some Bilt Hamber corrosion protector.
You will also notice that I had already fitted the upper arm, I realised that this was a mistake and that it needed to be fitted afterwards.
Here is the upper arm.

I had to research what was the best orientation for the 45 degree grease nipple and you'll notice that the rubber seal has been pulled up out of the way on the RH side. This will allow the arm to be inserted into place and then the pin put through, followed by the large bush. After this the seal can be pulled down in place.

Once the pin is in place the front bush can be inserted and then tapped home.

I guess it would have pulled in when it was tightened anyway
Now that the pin and bushes are in, the knuckle can be fitted. I may have done this concurrently with locating the upper arm, before inserting the pin, if you cannot compress the spring down enough to fit the knuckle, doing it the way I think I did it (at the same time), will help.
Fitting the knuckle and dust cover (maybe I did do this after putting the lock washers and nuts on the arms?).

In the pic above you will also see that I have installed the cover that holds the front bush in place, I cannot find the bolts for these and am not sure I have even ordered any? I cannot find them in the MS catalogue. I am considering putting some RTV sealant inside the cover?
Last up was the rebound buffer, this could have done with being painted, the factory paint just flakes off.
I used the original screw that was left in the Subframe when it was painted - I think I have a new one.

Here is the finished job.

And that was that.
Edited by JonnyAlpha, 15 November 2021 - 01:04 PM.