So as well as building up the Subframe with all my refurbished and new parts, I need to identify what parts I still need.
When I restored the car, I never did the engine bay and as I don't want to put a lovely new looking engine into a shabby engine bay I have a lot of extra work to do.
Once the engine and Subframe are out, I will need to strip the engine bay out clean up, weld as required and paint the engine bay.
I also need to clean up and either refurbish or replace things like the brake and clutch master cylinder as these look really crabby as well as the Windscreen Washer Fluid Resevoir etc.
Here's a few things that I need to work on:
Fuse Box - I lost the cover a while ago, took it off when I was checking some fuses, put it on the Air Filter and forgot it was there and went for a drive 

So new box or new cover?
There appears to be a plate under the Brake and Clutch Master Cylinder. This will either need cleaning and re-plating or replacing?

Brake Cylinder is really crabby, as you can see in this pic, can they be refurbished and painted?
Brake Bias Valve should clean up but will need to try and put something on it to protect it?

The Clutch Master Cylinder does not look too bad, but how can I make it look new?

I foolishly sprayed over the ID plates, whats the best way to clean these up and refresh them?

I'd also quite like to fit some bonnet straps and I am still looking out for a Mk1 grill 

Oh and I am considering some quick release or high lift bonnet hinges?

Not much extra work then!!!