Decided to put the 1275 Engine split on this thread as I intend to put it into this Mini.
I removed the engine a few weeks ago and it has been stood outside on a pallet waiting for me to find out (a) how to move it and (b) where to take it.

I had never split an engine before so took some advice from this forum, did a bit of reading and watched Bill Sollis stripping down the same engine on his DVD (well not the same engine - just one like it
First up I removed the Dizzy and Starter Motor:

Then I removed all the brackets etc and started to remove the Bell Housing:

As I removed bolts I put them back to avoid loosing them.
Before starting on the Flywheel I had to make sure that the slot in the shaft was horizontal to avoid the C or U shaped washer from becoming dislodged and jamming behined the flywheel.

At first this turned out to be a real issue as although the engine was turning before I removed the Bell Housing, it sure as hell did not want to budge now!! I tried everything apart from brute force. I considered hydraulic lock up or something and then it dawned on me. Where I had refitted the bolts that once held on the Bell Housing could it be that these were now jamming in the Flywheel - YEP - what a DOH BAG!!
Looking at the Flywheel Nut, looks like someone has taken it off before - maybe to fit a clutch, not sure what it supposed to look like but the tabs were all chewed up.

Once that was sorted using a large Screw Driver to jam the Flywheel I started on the Flywheel Nut:

I had to wind it up pretty tight but not stupidly so. Slowly slowly. I then tapped on the bolts holding the Mini Sport Heavy Duty Flywheel Puller on and also gave a little nudge from behind. One more turn and I consider leaving it for a while but before doing so decided to tap the nuts once again.
Once tap on one of the nuts and POP, off it cam YIPPEEE.

Clutch does look newish?
Wonder if I can re-use it and the Flywheel?
Next up all the remaining Flywheel Housing bolts (after first washing out oil of the grime with Petrol. Wonder where it all came from?

Anyway that's all for now - getting late and work tomorrow :-(