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1982 Austin Mini - Project Who?

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#586 MacGyver


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Posted 24 October 2016 - 10:32 AM

Very nice work!
Had to say it... 😀

Maybe you could put some perspex arches?... It would pass the Mot and look arch-less from a distance... 🤔

#587 Will16


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Posted 24 October 2016 - 02:38 PM

That poke shouldn't fail the MOT, mine has passed with more (and my old micra with 3" either side :lol:)

Awesome resto by the way!

#588 JonnyAlpha


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Posted 24 October 2016 - 06:57 PM

That poke shouldn't fail the MOT, mine has passed with more (and my old micra with 3" either side :lol:)

Awesome resto by the way!


This seems to be a grey area so i'll give it a go as is.

Thanks for the coments, its been a long hard slog but its nearly done (or so I keep saying).

#589 JonnyAlpha


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Posted 29 October 2016 - 11:41 AM

Had to fix a few electrical problems. Where I had pulled the fuse box out to do some painting the brown wires had pulled away from the spade connector. The spade and wires were very corroded so I had to clean everything up, strip it back and solder it up:  




The fuse box also needs a clean up or replacing:




Next it was time to fit the seat belts. First I had to work out what went where and the orientation of all the parts. First the bolts:




Finally worked out how things went where first the Pre Tensioner (I think that's what its called):




The bolt that holds in the Inertia Reel:





And the lower securing point:



Edited by JonnyAlpha, 29 October 2016 - 07:00 PM.

#590 JonnyAlpha


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Posted 30 October 2016 - 10:05 PM

Iv'e been doing loads of work the past few days but Photobucket has been playing up so no photos as yet. Suffice to say she is booked in for an MOT Thurs this week!!

Not yet cosmetically finished but hopefully mechanically safe and sound?

#591 JonnyAlpha


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Posted 02 November 2016 - 09:09 AM

Been slogging away at it as I have booked her / him in for an MOT this Thursday (tomorrow), even had my father in law roped in.


I fitted the front grill - its still in primer and will eventually (after much thinking) be painted OEW same as the roof. I will wait until next year and pick up a Mk1 Moustache for it to finish it off.




The stalk on the steering column is loose so I took a look and found that as advised in another thread the bracket had snapped.



We fashioned a bracket to try and hold it in place. It is a lot firmer but still has some movement - we will see how it gets on.




Fitted the carpets in the front but in haste forgot to put the sound deadening in - oh well a job to do after :-)


Before fitting the bumpers they need de - rusting and cleaning up, one of them really needs replacing but that will be another after job. First I wire brushed the worst of the rust then used some Deox and after washing it off most (but not all) of the rust came off.




As this is temp I splashed on some primer and silver paint (for what it was worth) and went about fitting them.


I decided to fashion some rubber washers out of a piece of Petrol Pipe Off Cut to prevent the bumpers scraping off my paint. 




They proved to small for the holes in the body so I added a slice of larger gauge Silicone Hose that I used for the battery cable: 




The front bumper went on fine but when I went to fit the back - that was a whole different story. After making some alterations to the threaded studs, removing the boot hinges and with a little brute force it went on!!


Starting to look complete:




We fitted the washer jets, filled and tested them out. The chrome wipers are shockingly bad and will probably be a fail - stupidly I threw the originals away :-( - again we will see.


Yesterday after work I tried to fit the Door Check Straps but they are too big to slide through the respective slots in the A Post Stiffeners!! Another mod required!!




I also fitted the rear front number plate and rear number plate light.




#592 JXC Mini GT


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Posted 02 November 2016 - 07:36 PM


Starting to look complete:








The car is really looking fab, good luck with the MOT

#593 JonnyAlpha


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Posted 02 November 2016 - 08:35 PM



Starting to look complete:







The car is really looking fab, good luck with the MOT


Many thanks 

#594 JonnyAlpha


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Posted 02 November 2016 - 08:51 PM

OK so today I completed (most) of the last minute jobs for the MOT tomorrow.


Found a leak on the LH rear brake which I think I have now sorted. Checked the windscreen wiper and found that my Chrome ones are absolutely shocking!!! 

I then started to ask around to borrow some but even though I thought I had thrown them out I found the original ones. Turns out that the blades are in good nic and with a lick of paint they look OK and more importantly they work well too:




Cleaned and painted the subframe on the passenger seat and fitted it (no pics). Then adjusted the bonnet as it was not secure when shut, this appears to be fixed now. I have also fitted some temp rubbers.


I Torqued up the wheel nuts (63Nm).


The weather strips are not fitted to the doors - but hopefully this should be OK, neither are there any door cards.


Panic task tomorrow is to align the headlights - about to post a thread asking how - will also look on the net.


All the lights work (even the courtesy light inside) handbrake is about three clicks on, brakes feel OK, new rubbers on pedals. Wipers and washers work. 


Apart from the headlights the only things that I can think it may fail on are that the batter is not covered or secured in place, the wheel / no arches, left hand door mirror won't move to a position where I can see behind and the gaiter on the gear linkage. It does not appear to be secured to anything and slides away from where the gear linkage enters the gearbox?? There doesn't seem to be a lip or anything that it should clip on to?


Good news is that I received a message saying that my new front seat covers will be posted tomorrow (JCS Custom Trim). Cant wait to get them fitted.


Big day tomorrow no matter what!!!


If it passes I'll be driving around my local area with 'Self preservation society' booming out - oh I haven't fitted the stereo yet :-(





#595 alex-95



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Posted 02 November 2016 - 08:56 PM

Great work mate, If you have nice MOTers then they may adjust your lights for you (leave off the chrome rings). It will fail on the battery not being secure or covered, Easy enough job if you've got the metal bit to bolt it down with and just make a quick cover if you don't have one.


Edited by alex-95, 02 November 2016 - 08:57 PM.

#596 paulrockliffe


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Posted 02 November 2016 - 09:49 PM

Hello, just read your thread, good work!


Mine passed it's MOT with a good inch of tread sticking out, I didn't have it tested, but apparently the tester said it was fine so long as he couldn't see the first radial groove.  I don't think that's right, but it's another example of those tyres being passable.


The only thing I noticed was your soldering of the wiring, I thought you were supposed to crimp as soldering makes the copper brittle and it then can fail through the vibrations from driving.  

#597 Ben_O


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Posted 02 November 2016 - 10:01 PM

Good luck with the MOT

#598 MacGyver


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Posted 03 November 2016 - 06:32 AM

Fingers crossed!

Maybe get a boom box on the way back?... 😀

#599 JonnyAlpha


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Posted 03 November 2016 - 06:00 PM

Great work mate, If you have nice MOTers then they may adjust your lights for you (leave off the chrome rings). It will fail on the battery not being secure or covered, Easy enough job if you've got the metal bit to bolt it down with and just make a quick cover if you don't have one.



Didn't spot this until afterwards Alex - but funny that as last thing this morning when I had the boot open to fit the last few clips I wondered about the batter and decided to have a look for the battery strap. I was sure it had been thrown away but as luck would have it (and me being hoarder) just like the windscreen wipers I found it. Cleaned it up and bolted down the battery.

#600 alex-95



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Posted 03 November 2016 - 06:08 PM


Great work mate, If you have nice MOTers then they may adjust your lights for you (leave off the chrome rings). It will fail on the battery not being secure or covered, Easy enough job if you've got the metal bit to bolt it down with and just make a quick cover if you don't have one.



Didn't spot this until afterwards Alex - but funny that as last thing this morning when I had the boot open to fit the last few clips I wondered about the batter and decided to have a look for the battery strap. I was sure it had been thrown away but as luck would have it (and me being hoarder) just like the windscreen wipers I found it. Cleaned it up and bolted down the battery.


Oh good, I seem to keep everything, comes in handy though. I'm guessing it passed?

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