Yesterday I started to prep the back seats. My son has re-upholstered them and the base just needed gluing.
Did the sides first:

Half way through I ran out of Impact Adhesive so I popped down to my local Hardware Store and on spotting the price (in excess of £9 for 250ml) I jumped in the car and drove to Screwfix where I got the same size tin for around £3.50. Shocking!!
Now today back out in the garage I did the back. Pulling it reasonably tight without deforming the shape:

Then I keyed up the wooden board on the underside of the front of the rear seat:

And then using some pliers (to avoid getting glue all over my hand) I pulled in the slack and finished it off:

The loose bit was where I missed the glue so I did that area again and pulled it tight.
Now before fitting the seats I added some Silent Coat sound proofing. I only bought 10 sheets but will get some more. For the time being I only did the rear seats. First two whole pieces :

Then I cut one in half to do the ends:

Next I fitted the rear seat back:

And then the base:

My son had made up a filler for the rear window ages ago so I popped that in as well.
That's a live update. I must get back to work at some point