Today was glass day, target - to get windscreen and side glass fitted.
Like most things now anything that I get out to fit needs fixing and or cleaning, that's because when I dismantled the Mini I simply put everything in boxes with very little cleaning. I guess I wanted to get on with the body work 
First I started with the rear side glass. I gave the a bit of a clean up the other day but noticed that on one the hinges were rusted.

One side was fine:

There was also some rust on the chrome edging, mostly on the underside that sits on the window ledge above the rear quarter.

Any areas that were rusted got a clean with metal polish and some 2000 grit paper. It seemed to do the trick. All of the rust on the frame turned out to be surface rust and came of with a good clean:

The rust on the hinges also got a clean and a rub down but needs some 320 to get through the rust:

They also got a treatment with Deox Gel and then Etch Primer:

Once they were dry I then sprayed on some Silver Paint (No pic sorry).
Before fitting the windscreen I had to tighten up and secure the headlining and repair my front headlining bar (we snapped of the plastic end).
Forum Member redhouse53 very kindly sent me a spare red rod end in the post which I fitted to replace my broken one:

I took the old one out widened the ends of the rod, inserted the replacement and crimped it shut - perfect:

Once the headlining bar was in I pulled the headlining forward above the front of the front doors and held it in place with the door trim.
Then, as with the rear screen, I made up some clips to hold the headlining in place. This is because I am using the old hedlining (refurbished and there is not a lot of spare to play with.
Next I ran some 1200 grit over the window frame to help the glue stick. Then I painted some Evo Stick Contact Adhesive onto the window frame (inside and out) and the front edge of the headlining. This adhesive needs to be left for about 5 minutes and once tacky the two surfaces can be put together.

As it turned out I was able to pull enough headlining up and over the window and it was held in place by the glue (strong stuff this) and I did not need the clips I made after all - good news:

Next I concentrated on the windscreen. On the original screen I made the mistake of not protecting it when Angle Grinding so it got quite damaged. Thankfully Coxie (Forum Member) had an old on spare (Laminated the same as my one).
I did try and clean mine up but no joy so I cleaned up the spare instead. It has a small chip in the bottom LH corner which hopefully won't be an issue 
Then I fitted the window rubber seal, as with the rear I placed the vulcanised join at the bottom centre. This seal seemed to take longer to fit and at one point I thought either it was too long or my window frame was out. But after some tugging, tapping and squeezing I got it on!!

Headlining looks as good as new:

With the the help of my darling wife we managed to get the screen in. It was a bit of a struggle but slowly and surely we did it 
Soap and water is your friend here!!

Then it was time for the fillet insert, as with the rear I started at the top:

And here it is after a clean up:

And here is the chip:

Then after searching for the correct Self Tappers (some missing) I fitted the side screens.

One small area of rust that I annoyingly could not get at really well 

I have a bit of an issue with my rear side windows, the seal seems too small and there are gaps all around as the window does not fit very well. The rain is just gonna poor in 

Front lights tomorrow..............