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Project Paddy A Long And Slow Rebuild.

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#1066 sonikk4


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Posted 21 May 2021 - 07:12 PM

Thankyou Jon Betts for the extended drop, and yes everything is just slaved in place.



And Paddy now covered and all of the junk i have collected in the workshop over the years already for the move. Paddy's engine is out of picture.



I was going to sell the compressor before i moved so started to give it a good clean up and then found these bad boys




The whole supporting base for the pump and motor is seriously cracked. I'll sort that out once i have moved and got everything to the new house.

#1067 sonikk4


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Posted 03 June 2021 - 06:08 PM

So off to Oz's today to drop off the rest of the bits for the engine build and i got a good look around his recently built Inno.


What a cracking little car and just looks the dogs danglies. Its no slouch either as its running one of his own built engines on rare twin Dellorto carbs. He was just in the process of removing the red dot cones at the front to take some of the harshness out of the ride.


Its got colour coordinated Mx5 front seats and the rears are being reupholstered.





Hopefully he had an uneventful trip to Wales in it this afternoon.

#1068 Maccmike8


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Posted 03 June 2021 - 06:46 PM


#1069 sonikk4


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Posted 05 November 2021 - 07:16 PM

And another chapter ends while a new one starts.


Paddy has finally left the workshop i shared with Paul for ten years along with the remainder of my stuff. My lad took his van and i hired a 4x4 for towing a trailer i borrowed off an old work mate.


A nice round trip of 360 miles later after a 6am start we finally got back to my new house just after 4:30pm. 









A quick pit stop at Cobham



And Paddy all tucked up with Erm behind him



And the last of the heavy items ready to be unloaded. I think i need a new spine after manhandling the Compressor on and off the back of the pickup, although Paddy's old engine and gearbox was not light either, but at least that was in Scotts van.




#1070 sonikk4


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Posted 20 May 2022 - 08:10 PM

So its been a while and nothing much has changed due to lots of things going on, however it was time to drag him out and give him a bloody good wash.





He does pop in the sun and he really needs to be finished BUT there is fly in the ointment or in this case RUST. W.T.F!!!!!! The bloody bonnet is a jinx and for what ever reason there are several small spider tracks of rust showing (how many times have i banged my drum about Heritage and their E Coat hiding spider tracks and i stripped this bugger back to bare metal AAGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!)


Now it's nothing serious but it does mean the bonnet needs stripping back and resprayed. As an aside to this the passenger door really needs to be redone as the paint has sunk a bit and the filler that i had to do from the the bit of warping when i gapped the door now shows. My lad says don't worry and drive it as is but it will bug me.


Oh well, i now need to have a word with Dagenham Dave our contract painter at work as he the skills and kit to deal with this. No workshop for me and my lean too is not an ideal area for painting.

#1071 slidehammer


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Posted 27 May 2022 - 02:30 PM

Nice to see a bit of an update as I enjoy your posts and workmanship. Do you think your paint issues could be micro blistering from being covered up as new paint doesn't like that. I have a similar issue on my daughter's Park Lane.

#1072 sonikk4


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Posted 27 May 2022 - 02:42 PM

Nice to see a bit of an update as I enjoy your posts and workmanship. Do you think your paint issues could be micro blistering from being covered up as new paint doesn't like that. I have a similar issue on my daughter's Park Lane.

Nope defo not micro blisters, it’s one small area, car is covered in breathable blankets and a indoor car cover. There was one area where I thought I previously had an issue but that has now gone.

It’s weird but just yet another thing to deal with.

#1073 sonikk4


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Posted 24 November 2022 - 06:35 PM

A small update. Went to see Oz today as the engine is nearly ready for a tickle on the Dyno.


Met Graham as well who has the 7 Port pup on TMF and great to put a face to the name at last.


So the engine currently looks like this







A few things to deal with. The heater tap threaded holes are a bizarre size and thread pitch. Oz has tried everything to hand with no joy so they are going to be replaced with some Wurth inserts. That gets rid of that issue. He has also fitted these as replacements for the exhaust manifold as well, so thanks to Northernpower for that info ( Another Graham) and to top it all off the rocker gear inserts have been swapped out as well. He is now far happier that they are fit for purpose.


The injectors are being rotated round so the harness fits on the inside of the fuel rail which also means the throttle pot has to be rotated 180 degrees to facilitate this as there was not enough length in the harness.


So just some little bits and pieces and then it can hit the dyno and hopefuly the map loaded the ecu courtesy of Graham will allow the engine to run pretty close to where it should be. Final tweaking will be done on a rolling road once Paddy is fully on the road.


I need to have a chat with Wiredbywilson re the harness intergration into the car loom but that is a while down the road yet.

#1074 nicklouse


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Posted 24 November 2022 - 06:50 PM

Looks good but not a fan of the pan heads on the thermostat housing.

#1075 Jarvis_SPI


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Posted 24 November 2022 - 08:46 PM

Please enlighten, why two breathers on the rocker cover? One at that size would seem more than adequate.

#1076 nicklouse


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Posted 24 November 2022 - 09:30 PM

Please enlighten, why two breathers on the rocker cover? One at that size would seem more than adequate.

One is an in from the transfer case and the other is an out to a catch tank system. 

#1077 sonikk4


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Posted 24 November 2022 - 09:37 PM

There are also two additional breathers as well, one from the timing case and the other where the mechanical fuel pump would have been. Going to build my own catch can and see how things work out.


Please bear in mind, the car is not going to be a daily but a weekend toy only. I will be throwing a few other ideas at it once its up and running properly. With Oz's build quality plus the components thrown at it there will hopefully be few issues if any. Things can always be plugged / blanked off as required.

#1078 nicklouse


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Posted 24 November 2022 - 09:46 PM

There are also two additional breathers as well, one from the timing case and the other where the mechanical fuel pump would have been. Going to build my own catch can and see how things work out.


Please bear in mind, the car is not going to be a daily but a weekend toy only. I will be throwing a few other ideas at it once its up and running properly. With Oz's build quality plus the components thrown at it there will hopefully be few issues if any. Things can always be plugged / blanked off as required.

You saw how I put those onto mine? 


yes I think the fuel pump one needs the insulation as it is very close to an LCB I did talk to DSN about an AN fitting plate so you can run a 90 fitting.

#1079 sonikk4


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Posted 24 November 2022 - 09:59 PM

There are also two additional breathers as well, one from the timing case and the other where the mechanical fuel pump would have been. Going to build my own catch can and see how things work out.
Please bear in mind, the car is not going to be a daily but a weekend toy only. I will be throwing a few other ideas at it once its up and running properly. With Oz's build quality plus the components thrown at it there will hopefully be few issues if any. Things can always be plugged / blanked off as required.

You saw how I put those onto mine? 
yes I think the fuel pump one needs the insulation as it is very close to an LCB I did talk to DSN about an AN fitting plate so you can run a 90 fitting.

To be honest Nick no I didn’t. But the way you have yours plumbed in makes sense as it goes. And as you say the fuel pump one will need some form of insulation to protect it from the LCB so food for thought there.

#1080 nicklouse


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Posted 24 November 2022 - 10:20 PM

Before you put the engine in put the manifold on and work it out. It can be very very tight and is best doing it out than in.

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