Project Paddy A Long And Slow Rebuild.
Posted 04 November 2020 - 08:22 PM
Posted 04 November 2020 - 09:01 PM
Looking good, the little jobs seem to take the longest.
Yup, very true. I have not gone too mad on this subbie as its not my primary one. That one is already done and powdercoated. A lot more work went into that one.
The aim is to get the rack fitted to the car so i can put the subframe on. I need to make the car mobile on its own wheels. Brake and fuel lines i will do after. (plus no money as still on bloody furlough)
Posted 11 November 2020 - 10:13 PM
So keeping an eye on the penny's i decided to see if the steering rack "U" clamps were salvageable.
So a quick buff up with a small wire cup in my die grinder went from this
To this
More than happy and good to go, so a flash with some etch primer and filler primer i ended up with this
and then onto some colour
I will let this harden right off before some clear coat.
Meanwhile outside the GT shell is really reverting back to its natural state. Sad to see but thats life
Need to order some anti friction strips for the clamps and also some oil to fill the rack.
Posted 12 November 2020 - 06:10 AM
Posted 12 November 2020 - 12:19 PM
I think you need a new rear window chrome strip, it looks like that one in cracking
That might be what's letting the damp in behind the window?
Posted 12 November 2020 - 02:29 PM
the GT does make for some nice garden art though
Posted 04 February 2021 - 07:01 PM
Typical, had a rummage through my boxes in the garage and found brand new U clamps for the steering rack and nuts washers etc. I had forgotten i had had a massive order up of bits prior to xmas 2019. Oh well more spares to add to the growing stash.
So had a bit of a spend up after selling my spare cylinder heads, panels etc, so some nice shiny stuff from MED rocked up today. Billet alloy timing case with breather, alloy back plate and one of their new flat management ring dampers which needs to find its way up to Oz so the bottom end can then be finally balanced.
Posted 05 February 2021 - 08:16 AM
can this gorgeous plat and cover be used with a standard pully and duplex timing chain ?
Posted 05 February 2021 - 08:22 AM
can this gorgeous plat and cover be used with a standard pully and duplex timing chain ?
Good question Pete and I think the answer would be yes but worth checking with MED.
Posted 26 February 2021 - 08:57 PM
So today was finish putting the steering rack back together and fit it.
So one end done and added some fresh oil
Then once that was done, the other end was built up and as final top off done.
Finished, track rod ends fitted as per the original removed items with regards to measurements. All to adjusted once the car is ready for the road!!
So after much cursing, realising the clamps had spread slightly and needed some adjustment the rack is finally in. Not fully tight as i still need to fit the drop for the steering column, that is once i have bought one from Jon Betts.
So now its back to painting suspension parts, oh and trying to find where the hell i stored them???? Soooo long ago
Posted 03 March 2021 - 10:32 PM
Well today was more suspension clean up and prime jobs, so both front hubs stripped down but also added to the mix are the rear subbie radius arms brackets.
These were really crusty but salvageable
The rear hubs came up well.
The front hubs and discs were fine apart from some light surface rust, the steering arms needed a bit more work but all in all they came up well
I have also cross drilled the steering arm bolts so i can do away with the lock tabs and use locking wire instead.
So hopefully on Friday i will paint all of these bits gloss black. I need to look at the drive shafts to see what i can do with them paint wise.
Posted 05 March 2021 - 05:57 PM
Paint and pot joints day.
So the paint went well and i even squeezed in a outdoor light shroud as well.
So the pot joints!!! what an absolute pain in the arse these turned out to be, but i have to bear in mind they are without doubt the original items from 1974. So no matter how bloody hard i hit the damn things they would not budge, not even a thous. So it was time to get proper nasty on them, so out popped the trusty grinder. Now a word to the wise here for anyone else trying this, be very careful, take your time and make small grinds. DO NOT GO MENTAL!!
So anyway the first session got me here
No bloody wonder they would not shift although the writing was on the wall when i looked at the ballbearing carrier
This was the same for both driveshafts. The gaiters were intact and no damage so just a case of moisture getting in overtime.
Anyway several more grinds later and we got to this point.
One serious twisted wire brush session with the grinder got me here and the results were ok.
So after both sides were done, the shafts cleaned, they were both etch primed and then filler primed ready to be knocked back to topcoat next week.
Posted 05 March 2021 - 09:10 PM
Posted 05 March 2021 - 09:30 PM
Posted 05 March 2021 - 10:14 PM
Is that moss growing on the end of the circlip
Yup i reckon so, zooming in it does appear green.
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