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Project Paddy A Long And Slow Rebuild.

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#871 Ben_O


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Posted 29 September 2017 - 07:29 PM




Ben, the gun worked perfectly, love it and i think its worth a punt for yourself.



I shall grab one on Monday :-)


Paint looks great mate. Bloody well done  :highfive:

#872 sonikk4


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Posted 29 September 2017 - 07:43 PM





Ben, the gun worked perfectly, love it and i think its worth a punt for yourself.



I shall grab one on Monday :-)


Paint looks great mate. Bloody well done  :highfive:



Cheers mate. you were right about the dust though. No matter what i did it sure showed up. However the only bits that will be on show are easy to mop so happy days. I think two coats is enough for inside the car though. plenty of paint.


I was very impressed with the gun, had a quick play with the adjustment and boom hit it running. I ended up with one minor run on the inner sill but that was down to me spraying at a awkward angle.


Tomorrow is going to be the biggy, so plenty of panel wipe and tack rags and water on the floor.


Thankyou for all your help, its been invaluable.

#873 sonikk4


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Posted 29 September 2017 - 07:51 PM

Oh and sods law kicked in again. The second compressor died a death so no breathing air. BUGGER!! HOWEVER when i went to pick up the extra paint they had a selection of fittings including 'Y' pieces so i bought one of those and several other fittings.


These proved invaluable to enable me to use my big compressor for both breathing air and spraying. However sods law kicked in AGAIN and one of my water traps died when the release valve failed. The other one will have to work extra hard now.


And then to top it off when i had the heating on i noticed the socket the heavy duty extension lead was plugged into was discolouring!!!! turned out the plug that was fitted whenever had not had the screws tightened so the ground wire and live were loose. result one burnt fuse holder and pin. lucky escape.

#874 Ben_O


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Posted 29 September 2017 - 08:32 PM

Good luck with tomorrow. I'm sure it will all be good.


If you haven't yet got enough practice with how the paint flows and how wet you can go without it running, then it's definitely worth having a go on a vertically hung scrap panel.


The wetter you apply the paint, the better the finish but there is quite a fine line between perfect and too heavy but if you get it right, then there MUCH less remedial flatting and polishing after.

However, get it wrong and it will sag and then you may was well start again as sags are very difficult to flat out completely.


I'm looking forward to seeing your results. Very exciting

#875 Ben_O


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Posted 29 September 2017 - 08:35 PM

Oh and heat.


Make sure that every panel is warm to the touch before you start painting

#876 Ben_O


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Posted 29 September 2017 - 08:45 PM

2 more tips which you probably already know but hey.


Paint the shuts, glass apertures and edges of each panel first then fill the middle in

and if you are extracting, start painting furthest away from the extraction working so you finish by the extraction point. working the other way, the extraction may well pull all of you overspray onto the panels you have just painted if the pull is strong enough

#877 sonikk4


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Posted 29 September 2017 - 08:46 PM

Oh and heat.


Make sure that every panel is warm to the touch before you start painting


Once i have sorted the extension lead i will have the heating on for an hour before paint. They are not the best but they warm the booth up into the high twenties and maybe a bit more.


I plan to do the doors, boot lid and bonnet first then go onto the body.

#878 sonikk4


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Posted 29 September 2017 - 08:48 PM

2 more tips which you probably already know but hey.


Paint the shuts, glass apertures and edges of each panel first then fill the middle in

and if you are extracting, start painting furthest away from the extraction working so you finish by the extraction point. working the other way, the extraction may well pull all of you overspray onto the panels you have just painted if the pull is strong enough


I dont think my extraction will have that effect Ben, its mediocre but works. i will take all of this onboard though. thankyou. :highfive:

#879 sonikk4


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Posted 29 September 2017 - 08:49 PM

Is it worth doing the roof first then work down or work up?? I was thinking roof first.

#880 73MkIII


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Posted 29 September 2017 - 08:51 PM

What spraygun did you get recommended?
I love the colour. Is that the Nexa paint or is it this octoral stuff

Edited by 73MkIII, 29 September 2017 - 08:54 PM.

#881 sonikk4


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Posted 29 September 2017 - 09:05 PM

It Nexa and the gun is an Iwata AZ3 HTE2. Ben was looking at getting one, so as i needed one i bought it and its good. The fact i got it on a deal as well made it even sweeter.

#882 Ben_O


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Posted 29 September 2017 - 09:43 PM

Is it worth doing the roof first then work down or work up?? I was thinking roof first.

I would go roof first but it doesn't really make any odds.I tend to work from the bottom up when painting down the sides but that is more just my technique than anything else I would say

#883 wingnut


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Posted 30 September 2017 - 03:29 PM

Your work is fantastic.I can't wait to see the rest painted

#884 sonikk4


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Posted 30 September 2017 - 03:45 PM

Paddy is feeling a little blue. I will post some pictures later on. I'm knackered so cleaning time while some heat helps the paint to go off.

#885 sonikk4


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Posted 30 September 2017 - 06:15 PM










And the bad bits


More difficult to see here


And there is two in the engine bay but only very minor.


Doors, bonnet and boot lid monday.

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